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Framlab: The Latest Architecture and News

Framlab Imagines Modular Vertical Urban Farms on the Streets of Brooklyn

Framlab, an innovation studio based in Bergen and New York City has created Glasir, a community-based system for urban farming. The proposed modular structure relies on aeroponic growth systems to provide local products.

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Architecture and Homelessness: What Approaches Have We Seen?

In the last global survey undertaken by the United Nations in 2005, there were an estimated 100 million people who were homeless around the world and 1.6 billion who lived without adequate housing. This number has escalated in recent years; unaffordable housing has become a global norm, making it increasingly difficult for the disadvantaged to seek out permanent, or even temporary shelter.

As housing becomes a means of accumulating wealth rather than fulfilling its fundamental goal of shelter, well-intentioned architects have attempted to solve the homelessness crisis through creative ideas and innovative design. But is architecture really the solution?

3D Printed Hexagonal Pods Could House New York City's Homeless

Across the world, homelessness in fast-paced metropolises such as New York City is at a record high since the Great Depression of the 1930s, more than 60,000 people are in shelters every night while many others must find a place to sleep on the streets, the subway or other public spaces. The real estate industry has caused the increasing rents and a high demand for any remaining plots; many of the new builds are luxury apartments, rather than the low-cost housing that is so desperately needed. As a result, thousands of people are forced onto the streets and charities struggle to provide adequate help for everyone.

3D Printed Hexagonal Pods Could House New York City's Homeless  - Image 1 of 43D Printed Hexagonal Pods Could House New York City's Homeless  - Image 2 of 43D Printed Hexagonal Pods Could House New York City's Homeless  - Image 3 of 43D Printed Hexagonal Pods Could House New York City's Homeless  - Image 4 of 43D Printed Hexagonal Pods Could House New York City's Homeless  - More Images+ 15