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Fologram: The Latest Architecture and News

This is How a Complex Brick Wall is Built Using Augmented Reality

Fusing augmented reality with the physical space, Fologram seeks to facilitate the construction of complex designs (for example, parametric designs that require a series of measurements, verification, and specific care) through digital instructions that are virtually superimposed into the workspace, directing a step-by-step guide for bricklayers during the construction process.

'Research institutions and large companies are working with industrial robots to automate these challenging construction tasks. However, robots aren’t well-suited for unpredictable construction environments, and even the most sophisticated computer vision algorithms cannot match the intuition and skill of a trained bricklayer,' stated their creators.

This is How a Complex Brick Wall is Built Using Augmented Reality - Image 1 of 4This is How a Complex Brick Wall is Built Using Augmented Reality - Image 2 of 4This is How a Complex Brick Wall is Built Using Augmented Reality - Image 3 of 4This is How a Complex Brick Wall is Built Using Augmented Reality - Image 4 of 4This is How a Complex Brick Wall is Built Using Augmented Reality - More Images+ 4