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flamenco ice tower: The Latest Architecture and News

The Record Breaking 31 Meter Tall "Flamenco Ice Tower" Opens in Harbin, China

Beyonds igloos, sculptures, and Sweden’s ICEHOTEL, ice is not often seen as building material. An international team of Dutch-end Chinese students and professors from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Summa College, and the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) have used the freezing material to construct “Flamenco Ice Tower” in Harbin, China - the home of the International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival.

The Record Breaking 31 Meter Tall "Flamenco Ice Tower" Opens in Harbin, China - Image 1 of 4The Record Breaking 31 Meter Tall "Flamenco Ice Tower" Opens in Harbin, China - Image 2 of 4The Record Breaking 31 Meter Tall "Flamenco Ice Tower" Opens in Harbin, China - Image 3 of 4The Record Breaking 31 Meter Tall "Flamenco Ice Tower" Opens in Harbin, China - Image 4 of 4The Record Breaking 31 Meter Tall Flamenco Ice Tower Opens in Harbin, China - More Images+ 15