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Film Festival: The Latest Architecture and News

A Room of One’s Own Rooted in an All-Connected World

Multifarious experiences of cities are brought forward in Copenhagen Architecture Festival (CAFx)’s impressive Film Mosaic—from life-affirming experiences of cities as potential, if not real, spaces of play, dance, social exchange and community-building, to claustrophobic experiences of trapped, suffocating life. To the authors of this short reflection essay, a series of films depicting the latter kind, have made a powerful impact. Filmmakers from countries as diverse as Azerbaijan, Georgia, Canada, Uruguay, Tunisia, United Kingdom and Spain offer artistic expressions of how persons in today’s urban life may be unable to thrive, to differentiate themselves, to find rootedness, calmness, sanity or safety.

Kengo Kuma & Associates and Ingarden & Ewý Architects Merge Cinematography and Architecture for the CAMERIMAGE Film Festival Competition

As part of the Architectural Competition For European Film Center CAMERIMAGE Building, Kengo Kuma & Associates and Ingarden & Ewý Architects proposed a new iconic landmark that celebrates film and architecture as "universal forms of expression", in the center of Toruń, Poland. The design, which ranked in second place, illustrates metaphorical falling curtains through the dynamic movement of the structure's organic forms, and offers artists, visitors, and locals a unique space infused with musical and visual experiences.

Kengo Kuma & Associates and Ingarden & Ewý Architects Merge Cinematography and Architecture for the CAMERIMAGE Film Festival Competition - Image 1 of 4Kengo Kuma & Associates and Ingarden & Ewý Architects Merge Cinematography and Architecture for the CAMERIMAGE Film Festival Competition - Image 2 of 4Kengo Kuma & Associates and Ingarden & Ewý Architects Merge Cinematography and Architecture for the CAMERIMAGE Film Festival Competition - Image 3 of 4Kengo Kuma & Associates and Ingarden & Ewý Architects Merge Cinematography and Architecture for the CAMERIMAGE Film Festival Competition - Image 4 of 4Kengo Kuma & Associates and Ingarden & Ewý Architects Merge Cinematography and Architecture for the CAMERIMAGE Film Festival Competition - More Images+ 13

Beka & Lemoine’s Latest Film "Tokyo Ride" Features Pritzker Prize Winner Ryue Nishizawa

Questioning “how rooted architecture practice is and how much the built and cultural environment feeds and shapes our imagination”, Beka & Lemoine’s latest film follows one of the most celebrated Japanese architects of our times, Ryue Nishizawa in his vintage Alfa Romeo (Giulia) as he wanders in the streets of Tokyo. After winning the prestigious DocAviv 2020, the black and white documentary Tokyo Ride will soon première in many major architecture film festivals both in Europe and in North America.

Beka & Lemoine’s Latest Film "Tokyo Ride" Features Pritzker Prize Winner Ryue Nishizawa - Image 1 of 4Beka & Lemoine’s Latest Film "Tokyo Ride" Features Pritzker Prize Winner Ryue Nishizawa - Image 2 of 4Beka & Lemoine’s Latest Film "Tokyo Ride" Features Pritzker Prize Winner Ryue Nishizawa - Image 3 of 4Beka & Lemoine’s Latest Film "Tokyo Ride" Features Pritzker Prize Winner Ryue Nishizawa - Image 4 of 4Beka & Lemoine’s Latest Film Tokyo Ride Features Pritzker Prize Winner Ryue Nishizawa - More Images+ 16

ADFF: Toronto

The Architecture & Design Film Festival celebrates the unique creative spirit that drives architecture and design. With a curated selection of films, events and panel discussions, ADFF creates an opportunity to entertain, engage and educate all types of people who are excited about architecture and design.

The inaugural ADFF: Toronto premieres on November 14. A long with a full line-up of 24 films, there will be over 20 speakers in panel discussions and Q&A’s — all at the TIFF Bell Lightbox.

Visit for tickets and follow @adfilmfest on Instagram for updates.

Five Films to Watch at the 2015 Architecture Film Festival in Rotterdam

It's only logical that Rotterdam, one of Europe's leading cities for architecture and architectural practice, has a biennial film festival. Since its inception in 2000, the city's homage to architectural cinema now claims to be the biggest architectural film festival in the world. Featuring over one hundred international documentaries, feature films and shorts—as well as debates, lectures and seminars—this year's festival plans to "provide a podium for discussing the city and future of spatial development." From cinematic journeys into the world of the illusive Böhm family to Zaha Hadid, Chinese ghost cities to London's Barbican estate, this year's programme circles around the theme of the Global Home.

With the eighth incarnation of the Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam (AFFR) opening next week (running from the 7th - 11th October 2015), we've selected our five top picks from this year's schedule.

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