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Ferrai: The Latest Architecture and News

Ferrari World Abu Dhabi to Open October 28, 2010

Ferrari World Abu Dhabi to Open October 28, 2010 - Image 5 of 4

Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, the world’s first Ferrari theme park and largest attraction of its kind, has announced that it will open its doors to the public on October 28, 2010, three weeks ahead of the second Formula 1™ Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.

Ferrari World Abu Dhabi will pay tribute to the passion, excellence, performance, and technical innovation that Ferrari has established over the years and represents today. Its iconic sleek red roof is directly inspired by the classic double curve side profile of the Ferrari GT body, spanning 200,000 m² and carrying the largest Ferrari logo ever created.

More images, a video and information after the break. Seen at designboom.