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Female Architects: The Latest Architecture and News

Women in Architecture and Construction Award | Middle East and North Africa | Tamayouz Excellence Award 2020

Open call for submissions for women who work in architecture across the Middle East and North Africa. Brief and submissions portal can be found here:

The Tamayouz Women in Architecture and Construction Award is an excellence award for women who have contributed to the fields of architecture and construction throughout the Near East and North Africa. The award consists of two categories:

1. Women of Outstanding Achievements: This prize recognises the individual’s positive contribution to the field of architecture and the status of women in the field, as well as all other professional achievements and her lifelong commitment to the

‘T’ Space’s New Exhibit Celebrates the Overlooked History of an Influential Female Architect and Educator

Architect and educator Astra Zarina wasn’t just the teacher of Tom Kundig, Ed Weinstein, and Steven Holl (who designed ‘T’ Space); she was also an advocator for public spaces, cohesive urbanity, and the communities that these attributes fostered. ‘T’ Space’s newest exhibit Rome and the Teacher, Astra Zarina celebrates Zarina’s life and teachings in the context of recognizing overlooked pedagogical figures, particularly women. A recent article by Metropolis Magazine describes this exhibit in detail and with it, Zarina’s own life story.