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FCB Studios: The Latest Architecture and News

FCBStudios Unveils Design for Manchester Piccadilly Hotel

The new Piccadilly Hotel in the United Kingdom by FCBStudios has received planning approval from the Manchester City Council. Designed for Pestana’s Cristiano Ronaldo CR7 brand, the hotel is sited at the corner of Piccadilly and Newton Street with a lounge bar and rooftop terrace. The scheme reuses a Grade II listed building with an 11-story new build to mark the gateway to the Northern Quarter and city center.

FCBStudios Unveils Design for Manchester Piccadilly Hotel - Image 1 of 4FCBStudios Unveils Design for Manchester Piccadilly Hotel - Image 2 of 4FCBStudios Unveils Design for Manchester Piccadilly Hotel - Image 3 of 4FCBStudios Unveils Design for Manchester Piccadilly Hotel - Image 4 of 4FCBStudios Unveils Design for Manchester Piccadilly Hotel - More Images+ 3

FCBStudios Wins Competition to Design New Paradise Building in Birmingham

Architecture practice Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios (FCBStudios) has won the competition to design the next building at the Paradise site in Birmingham. The £700 million Paradise redevelopment is being made through a private-public joint venture with Birmingham City Council. The team's vision for Three Chamberlain Square is to create a new standard for a sustainable workplace in the city.

Ditherington Flax Mill Maltings in Shrewsbury wins Heritage Lottery Fund Support / FCB Studios

Ditherington Flax Mill Maltings in Shrewsbury wins Heritage Lottery Fund Support / FCB Studios - Featured Image
Courtesy of FCB Studios

An outstanding group of buildings in Shropshire recently won development funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for the regeneration of a former flax mill and maltings. FCB (Feilden Clegg Bradley) Studios have been acting as strategic advisors and architects to English Heritage and Shropshire Council since 2003 and have advised them through all stages of the project to date. In November 2010, they gained full planning and listed building consent for a £20m phase of works which includes a heritage-led mixed-use development with the potential to create 120 new homes on the site. The total development value is estimated at £52m. More images and architects’ description after the break.