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Fay Jones: The Latest Architecture and News

Frank Lloyd Wright and Fay Jones on the Web: The Value of Online Exhibitions

Yesterday afternoon, I was able to visit the University of Arkansas exhibition “Fay Jones and Frank Lloyd Wright: Organic Architecture Comes to Arkansas” - without purchasing a ticket or leaving my apartment. This extensive exhibition on the life and development of these two notable architects was made possible through a collaboration between University of Arkansas Libraries’ Special Collections and Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art Library and Archives. Exhibitions such as this are part of a broader movement in recent years towards making archived content more easily accessible to the public through web platforms. The concept of the online exhibition, however, is still in its infancy and there remains significant room for innovation.

Frank Lloyd Wright and Fay Jones on the Web: The Value of Online Exhibitions  - Image 1 of 4Frank Lloyd Wright and Fay Jones on the Web: The Value of Online Exhibitions  - Image 2 of 4Frank Lloyd Wright and Fay Jones on the Web: The Value of Online Exhibitions  - Image 3 of 4Frank Lloyd Wright and Fay Jones on the Web: The Value of Online Exhibitions  - Image 4 of 4Frank Lloyd Wright and Fay Jones on the Web: The Value of Online Exhibitions  - More Images