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Ethership: The Latest Architecture and News

A Low-Tech Office Building and a Vineyard Hotel: 14 Unbuilt Commercial Projects Submitted by Established Firms

This week’s curated selection of Best Unbuilt Architecture highlights commercial projects submitted by established firms. From art museums to offices, this article explores cultural functions and commercial spaces, and presents projects submitted to us from all over the world.

Featuring a reception center that merges the cultures of China and Italy by aoe architects, and a post-pandemic office building by NBBJ, this roundup explores how established architecture firms have designed buildings that optimize the functions of projects and ensure the comfort of their users. This round up also includes a collection of proposals from KPF Architects, Nordic Office of Architecture, AFF Architekten, along with many other firms, each responding to different spatial needs, facilities, and environments.

A Low-Tech Office Building and a Vineyard Hotel: 14 Unbuilt Commercial Projects Submitted by Established Firms - Image 1 of 4A Low-Tech Office Building and a Vineyard Hotel: 14 Unbuilt Commercial Projects Submitted by Established Firms - Image 2 of 4A Low-Tech Office Building and a Vineyard Hotel: 14 Unbuilt Commercial Projects Submitted by Established Firms - Image 3 of 4A Low-Tech Office Building and a Vineyard Hotel: 14 Unbuilt Commercial Projects Submitted by Established Firms - Image 4 of 4A Low-Tech Office Building and a Vineyard Hotel: 14 Unbuilt Commercial Projects Submitted by Established Firms - More Images+ 134