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  2. Estado De Mexico

Estado De Mexico: The Latest Architecture and News

Explore Some of Luis Barragan's Unbuilt and Little-Known Projects 121 Years After His Birth

March 9 marks the birthday of one of the most important Mexican architects worldwide. A pioneer of the Modern Movement in Mexico whose work has transcended geographical limits to be studied by different generations of architects who have rewritten his teaching to make it their own. Every year, this date represents the perfect excuse to rethink Barragan's legacy to architecture not only in Mexico but also in the world, and different projects have been carried out with this intention, awakening the interest of new generations. However, until a few years ago, the record of the architect's work was not very accessible since more than 50% of the projects he built remained anonymous due to the lack of a proper archive of his work.

Architecture in Mexico: Projects that Highlight the Estado de Mexico Territory

Architecture in Mexico: Projects that Highlight the Estado de Mexico Territory - Image 1 of 4Architecture in Mexico: Projects that Highlight the Estado de Mexico Territory - Image 2 of 4Architecture in Mexico: Projects that Highlight the Estado de Mexico Territory - Image 3 of 4Architecture in Mexico: Projects that Highlight the Estado de Mexico Territory - Image 4 of 4Architecture in Mexico: Projects that Highlight the Estado de Mexico Territory - More Images+ 29

There are several reasons why the Estado de Mexico (a state, not the country) is important not only at the national level but also because of its intrinsic relationship with Mexico City since 59 of its municipalities are considered part of the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Mexico. In this area, there are a large number of industrial plants. In addition, it houses some of the most visited archaeological sites such as Teotihuacán, Tetzuco, Azcapotzalco, Chalco, and Amaquemecan.

Casa Alta / AS/D Asociacion de Diseño

Casa Alta / AS/D Asociacion de Diseño - Houses, Facade, StairsCasa Alta / AS/D Asociacion de Diseño - Houses, Bedroom, Facade, Door, BedCasa Alta / AS/D Asociacion de Diseño - Houses, Stairs, Facade, HandrailCasa Alta / AS/D Asociacion de Diseño - Houses, Kitchen, Facade, Table, ChairCasa Alta / AS/D Asociacion de Diseño - More Images+ 19

Estado De Mexico, Mexico
  • Architects: AS/D Asociación de Diseño: AS/D Asociacion de Diseño
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  338
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2012
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Cosentino, Trespa, Cuprum