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  2. Ergo Kiwi

Ergo Kiwi: The Latest Architecture and News

How I Developed Ergo Kiwi, an Ergonomic Craft Knife that Your Fingers Will Thank You For

If you've been through architecture school you're probably wary of craft knives, which can puncture the skin of an non-alert, caffeinated student at a fraction of a second's notice. Even if you manage to avoid the hospital, though, these scourges of the studio still know how to hurt you: their designs are the antithesis of ergonomics, making a marathon modeling session a mighty endurance battle against hand cramps and joint pain. Aiming for a more comfortable solution, architecture graduate Sean Riley developed the Ergo Kiwi, and today is launching a Kickstarter campaign to help bring the product to market.

In addition, Riley has also meticulously cataloged his design and production process. At ArchDaily, we thought it gave a fascinating insight into not only the design of Ergo Kiwi, the but the steps involved in developing and bringing to market a convincing product. As a result, we invited him to share his story.

How I Developed Ergo Kiwi, an Ergonomic Craft Knife that Your Fingers Will Thank You For - Image 1 of 4How I Developed Ergo Kiwi, an Ergonomic Craft Knife that Your Fingers Will Thank You For - Image 2 of 4How I Developed Ergo Kiwi, an Ergonomic Craft Knife that Your Fingers Will Thank You For - Image 3 of 4How I Developed Ergo Kiwi, an Ergonomic Craft Knife that Your Fingers Will Thank You For - Image 4 of 4How I Developed Ergo Kiwi, an Ergonomic Craft Knife that Your Fingers Will Thank You For - More Images+ 22