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Entrance: The Latest Architecture and News

DoorScape Entrance Architecture Contest: Exploring the Space Beyond the Threshold

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The role of a building’s entrance area is critical in a world where first impressions are everything. It anticipates what is to come, marks the starting point to an architectural journey and sets the tone for the rest of the interior. As a practical “passageway” between different places, an entrance connects and unites, but at the same time separates, protects and provides safety for both homeowners and visitors. Thus, every aspect conveys specific formal features to serve that purpose; from the position of the door, to the shape of the threshold, to the structure of the ceiling.

Interstitial Spaces and Public Life, the Overlooked Interventions that Weave our Built Environment

Throughout the years, urban settings have been shifting and taking on new forms. Workspaces became more flexible, home-based offices are common and the increasing costs of housing have led to changes in the way dwellings are designed and built; while turning us towards public and communal outdoor areas for leisurely activities and social gatherings. Our shifting lifestyles are therefore shaping a new urban landscape that’s influencing the way we conceive and use these spaces. Despite everything, some smaller and often unrecognized typologies have persisted and remain as necessary as they’d always been.

They are not places of defined function, yet they still host valuable instances within our day-to-day lives. The latter are the Interstitial (or In-between) spaces, that act as buffers to, and link our private spaces to the public and functional buildings or landscapes. They are the hallways, waiting areas, elevators, staircases, entrances, and transitional zones weave our built environment together. 

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M Woods Entrance Revitalization / Vector Architects

M Woods Entrance Revitalization / Vector Architects - Adaptive Reuse, FacadeM Woods Entrance Revitalization / Vector Architects - Adaptive ReuseM Woods Entrance Revitalization / Vector Architects - Adaptive Reuse, Facade, DoorM Woods Entrance Revitalization / Vector Architects - Adaptive ReuseM Woods Entrance Revitalization / Vector Architects - More Images+ 22

  • Architects: Vector Architects
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2016
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Anping County Guangjun Mesh Products, Tianjin Beijing Steel Trade

Lumber Curtain in Minami Azabu / Tsukagoshi Miyashita Sekkei

Lumber Curtain in Minami Azabu / Tsukagoshi Miyashita Sekkei - Exterior Photography, Renovation, FacadeLumber Curtain in Minami Azabu / Tsukagoshi Miyashita Sekkei - Interior Photography, Renovation, FacadeLumber Curtain in Minami Azabu / Tsukagoshi Miyashita Sekkei - Interior Photography, Renovation, FacadeLumber Curtain in Minami Azabu / Tsukagoshi Miyashita Sekkei - Interior Photography, Renovation, Facade, StairsLumber Curtain in Minami Azabu / Tsukagoshi Miyashita Sekkei - More Images+ 16

Gilan University Conceptual Gateway in Iran

Hajizadeh & Associates elaborated a proposal for the entrance of the Gilan University in Rasht in Iran. Basing their conceptual approach on the Iranian notion of access, they created not only a passage or a connection space but a social and cultural area.

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