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Emperor: The Latest Architecture and News

AD Classics: Forbidden City / Kuai Xiang

As the heart of Imperial China from 1421 until 1912, the Forbidden City—a palatial complex in the center of Beijing—represented the divine authority of the Emperors of China for over five hundred years. Built by the Ming Emperor Zhu Di as the centerpiece of his ideal capital city, the palace would host twenty-four different emperors and two dynasties over the course of its history. Even after the subsequent democratic and communist revolutions that transformed China in the early 20th Century, it remains as the most prominent built relic of a cosmopolitan empire.[1]

AD Classics: Forbidden City / Kuai Xiang - Historic PreservationAD Classics: Forbidden City / Kuai Xiang - Historic Preservation, BeamAD Classics: Forbidden City / Kuai Xiang - Historic Preservation, FacadeAD Classics: Forbidden City / Kuai Xiang - Historic PreservationAD Classics: Forbidden City / Kuai Xiang - More Images+ 5