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educational: The Latest Architecture and News

First Peoples House / Formline Architecture + Urbanism

First Peoples House / Formline Architecture + Urbanism - Exterior Photography, Classrooms, Facade, DoorFirst Peoples House / Formline Architecture + Urbanism - ClassroomsFirst Peoples House / Formline Architecture + Urbanism - Exterior Photography, Classrooms, Facade, Door, ColumnFirst Peoples House / Formline Architecture + Urbanism - ClassroomsFirst Peoples House / Formline Architecture + Urbanism - More Images+ 5

Vancouver, Canada

Wood Innovation Design Centre / Michael Green Architecture

Wood Innovation Design Centre / Michael Green Architecture - University, Facade, Stairs, Handrail, Column, BeamWood Innovation Design Centre / Michael Green Architecture - University, Beam, Facade, ColumnWood Innovation Design Centre / Michael Green Architecture - University, Facade, LightingWood Innovation Design Centre / Michael Green Architecture - University, FacadeWood Innovation Design Centre / Michael Green Architecture - More Images+ 7

OB Kindergarten and Nursery / HIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro

OB Kindergarten and Nursery / HIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro - Kindergarten, Facade, HandrailOB Kindergarten and Nursery / HIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro - KindergartenOB Kindergarten and Nursery / HIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro - Kindergarten, Facade, Table, ChairOB Kindergarten and Nursery / HIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro - Kindergarten, Facade, DoorOB Kindergarten and Nursery / HIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro - More Images+ 23

Valentino Gareri Proposes New Model of Educational Building for the Post-Covid Era

Valentino Gareri has proposed a sustainable and modular educational building for the new post COVID-19 era. Entitled Tree-House School, the project reinforces the relationship with nature, with connected outdoor and indoor spaces.

Valentino Gareri Proposes New Model of Educational Building for the Post-Covid Era - Image 1 of 4Valentino Gareri Proposes New Model of Educational Building for the Post-Covid Era - Image 2 of 4Valentino Gareri Proposes New Model of Educational Building for the Post-Covid Era - Image 3 of 4Valentino Gareri Proposes New Model of Educational Building for the Post-Covid Era - Image 4 of 4Valentino Gareri Proposes New Model of Educational Building for the Post-Covid Era - More Images+ 8

T-Nursery / Uchida Architect Design Office

T-Nursery / Uchida Architect Design Office - Kindergarten, Facade, ArchT-Nursery / Uchida Architect Design Office - Kindergarten, Beam, Table, ChairT-Nursery / Uchida Architect Design Office - Kindergarten, Facade, ArchT-Nursery / Uchida Architect Design Office - Kindergarten, Beam, Door, Arch, Table, ChairT-Nursery / Uchida Architect Design Office - More Images+ 10

Dazaifu City, Japan

School in Saint-Maurice / Graeme Mann & Patricia Capua Mann

School in Saint-Maurice / Graeme Mann & Patricia Capua Mann - Schools , Facade, HandrailSchool in Saint-Maurice / Graeme Mann & Patricia Capua Mann - Schools , Facade, DoorSchool in Saint-Maurice / Graeme Mann & Patricia Capua Mann - Schools , Courtyard, Facade, StairsSchool in Saint-Maurice / Graeme Mann & Patricia Capua Mann - Schools , Door, Facade, Handrail, Table, ChairSchool in Saint-Maurice / Graeme Mann & Patricia Capua Mann - More Images+ 23

C.O Kindergarten and Nursery / HIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro

C.O Kindergarten and Nursery / HIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro - Kindergarten, FacadeC.O Kindergarten and Nursery / HIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro - Kindergarten, FacadeC.O Kindergarten and Nursery / HIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro - Kindergarten, Door, FacadeC.O Kindergarten and Nursery / HIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro - Kindergarten, Chair, TableC.O Kindergarten and Nursery / HIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro - More Images+ 24

Hakusui Nursery School / Yamazaki Kentaro Design Workshop

Hakusui Nursery School / Yamazaki Kentaro Design Workshop - Schools Hakusui Nursery School / Yamazaki Kentaro Design Workshop - Schools Hakusui Nursery School / Yamazaki Kentaro Design Workshop - Schools Hakusui Nursery School / Yamazaki Kentaro Design Workshop - Schools Hakusui Nursery School / Yamazaki Kentaro Design Workshop - More Images+ 9

Groupe Scolaire Pasteur / R2K Architectes

Groupe Scolaire Pasteur / R2K Architectes - Elementary & Middle School, FacadeGroupe Scolaire Pasteur / R2K Architectes - Elementary & Middle School, Stairs, Facade, Door, Beam, HandrailGroupe Scolaire Pasteur / R2K Architectes - Elementary & Middle School, FacadeGroupe Scolaire Pasteur / R2K Architectes - Elementary & Middle School, DoorGroupe Scolaire Pasteur / R2K Architectes - More Images+ 10

Proyecto Roble / Équipe Voor Architectuur En Urbanisme

Proyecto Roble / Équipe Voor Architectuur En Urbanisme - GreenhouseProyecto Roble / Équipe Voor Architectuur En Urbanisme - Interior Photography, Greenhouse, FacadeProyecto Roble / Équipe Voor Architectuur En Urbanisme - Exterior Photography, Greenhouse, FacadeProyecto Roble / Équipe Voor Architectuur En Urbanisme - Interior Photography, Greenhouse, FacadeProyecto Roble / Équipe Voor Architectuur En Urbanisme - More Images+ 18

YACademy Courses Offer Immersive Design Experience

Bivacco Bredy is the title of the project designed by Claudio Araya, Natalia Kogia, Iga Majorek and Maria Valese, a young team of architects who attended the latest edition of YACademy’s course in Architecture for Landscape.

Can Feliç Nursery / Estudio Fernández-Vivancos

Can Feliç Nursery / Estudio Fernández-Vivancos - Kindergarten
© Jose Manuel Cutillas
Benicasim, Spain

Råå Day Care Center / Dorte Mandrup

Råå Day Care Center / Dorte Mandrup - Day Care, FacadeRåå Day Care Center / Dorte Mandrup - Day Care, Beam, Table, Lighting, ChairRåå Day Care Center / Dorte Mandrup - Day Care, Door, FacadeRåå Day Care Center / Dorte Mandrup - Day Care, CoastRåå Day Care Center / Dorte Mandrup - More Images+ 25

  • Architects: Dorte Mandrup: Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  525
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2013
  • Professionals: Marklaget AB

ArchDaily's Ultimate List of Advice for Incoming Architecture Students

Architecture school. You’ve heard the myths - the legends of all-nighters and innovation, of unmatched workaholism and love for the profession. Perhaps you know what you want – to solve the great urbanization problem, to create the next sustainable wonder-gadget, or maybe just to start your own firm and show the architectural world how it’s done. Maybe you have no idea what you want to do, drawn to architecture by the romance, the larger-than-life scale. Maybe you’re an artist who wants a job when they graduate. A hometown hero, you’re about to be thrown into a classroom of the best, possibly for the first time in your life. You’ll be surrounded by the brightest in engineering, problem solving, writing, drawing and a host of other skills. Anxious and excited, you stand ready at the doors of architectural education, hungry for innovation and ready to share and learn from others. Stepping inside that first day, you prepare yourself for the best - and most difficult times of your life so far.

To prepare you for the strange beast that is architecture school, shed light on what is fact and fiction, and give you some peace of mind, we at ArchDaily have prepared a list of advice for all incoming architecture students. There is no other education in the world quite like an architectural one, and we hope that this list can help prepare you for its unique wonders and challenges. The advice below is meant to ease the transition into school as much as possible – but be warned, nothing can compare to experiencing the real deal. Read them all after the break.

ArchDaily's Ultimate List of Advice for Incoming Architecture Students - Image 1 of 4ArchDaily's Ultimate List of Advice for Incoming Architecture Students - Image 2 of 4ArchDaily's Ultimate List of Advice for Incoming Architecture Students - Image 3 of 4ArchDaily's Ultimate List of Advice for Incoming Architecture Students - Image 6 of 4ArchDaily's Ultimate List of Advice for Incoming Architecture Students - More Images+ 13

Teacher Training Center / Ramón Fernández-Alonso

Teacher Training Center / Ramón Fernández-Alonso - Other FacilitiesTeacher Training Center / Ramón Fernández-Alonso - Interior Photography, Other Facilities, Facade, HandrailTeacher Training Center / Ramón Fernández-Alonso - Other FacilitiesTeacher Training Center / Ramón Fernández-Alonso - Other FacilitiesTeacher Training Center / Ramón Fernández-Alonso - More Images+ 17

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  19756
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2012
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Akaba, B.lux, Lopez Soto

Nueva Esperanza School / al bordE

Nueva Esperanza School / al bordE - Schools Nueva Esperanza School / al bordE - Schools Nueva Esperanza School / al bordE - Schools , BeamNueva Esperanza School / al bordE - Schools , Deck, Beam, BenchNueva Esperanza School / al bordE - More Images+ 42

Junín, Ecuador
  • Architects: AL BORDE: David Barragán & Pascual Gangotena
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  36
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2009