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Edgemoor: The Latest Architecture and News

SOM Unveils Revised Design for $1.5 Billion Kansas City Airport Terminal

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) have unveiled the latest design for Kansas City's new airport terminal. Working with the Kansas City Aviation Department, the City of Kansas City, Missouri and major airlines, the project is coming together with developer Edgemoor. The air travel hub that will be the largest single infrastructure project in Kansas City’s history.

SOM Unveils Revised Design for $1.5 Billion Kansas City Airport Terminal - Image 1 of 4SOM Unveils Revised Design for $1.5 Billion Kansas City Airport Terminal - Image 2 of 4SOM Unveils Revised Design for $1.5 Billion Kansas City Airport Terminal - Image 3 of 4SOM Unveils Revised Design for $1.5 Billion Kansas City Airport Terminal - Image 4 of 4SOM Unveils Revised Design for $1.5 Billion Kansas City Airport Terminal - More Images+ 4