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EC3: The Latest Architecture and News

6 Projects in Brazil, Mexico, Peru, and USA Selected as Finalists for the 2018 Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize

Minutes ago in Detroit, Director Dirk Denison and 2018 MCHAP Jury Chair Ricky Burdett announced the six finalists of the 2018 edition of the Mies Crown Hall America Prize. Selected from a longer list of 31 projects announced earlier this summer in Venice, these outstanding works of architecture will compete for the top honor, the MCHAP Award, which will be announced in October. The authors of the winning award will take home $50,000 to fund research and a publication and will be recognized as the MCHAP Chair in IIT’s College of Architecture.

The six finalist buildings were completed between January 2016 and December 2017. The descriptive texts, provided by the MCHAP jury, celebrate the merits of each individual project.

EC3 Reveals Design for a New Dalang Cultural & Sports Center in Shenzhen, China

Los Angeles-based studio EC3 has revealed its design entry for a new 14.5-acre, cultural & sports center in Shenzhen’s growing Dalang neighborhood, hosted by the Shenzhen Longhua District Government and the Vanke Real Estate Co.