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Dream the Combine: The Latest Architecture and News

5 Architecture and Design Practices Granted with the United States Artists Fellowship

The United States Artists Fellowship Award is an annual grant that recognizes the "most compelling artists working and living in the United States, in all disciplines, at every stage of their career". Every year, individual artists are anonymously nominated to apply by a diverse group of scholars, critics, producers, and other arts professionals. Among the 63 recipients of 2022, 5 were selected from the fields of architecture and design with the aim of strengthening and enriching the industry and their communities.

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Exhibit Columbus Announces 2021 Theme and Miller Prize Recipients

Exhibit Columbus has announced the new 2020-21 theme, as well as the J. Irwin and Xenia S. Miller Prize recipients. As an exploration of architecture, art, design, and community, the programming is meant to activate the design legacy of Columbus, Indiana through free, public exhibitions. The symposium and exhibition cycle explores the future of the center of the United States and the regions connected by the Mississippi Watershed.

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Dream the Combine's Jennifer Newsom & Tom Carruthers Win MoMA PS1's 2018 Young Architects Program

Hide & Seek by Jennifer Newsom and Tom Carruthers of Dream The Combine, in collaboration with Clayton Binkley of ARUP, has been selected as the winner of the 2018 MoMA PS1 Young Architects Program. Jennifer Newsom and Tom Carruthers were selected from a shortlist of five young firms unveiled in November.

Inspired by “the jostle of relationships found in the contemporary city,” Hide & Seek will feature a landscape of kinetic, responsive elements that connect the courtyards of the MoMA PS1 site to its surrounding streets.