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From Vault to Exhibition: The Role of Display Cases in the World’s Libraries

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Before the emergence of AI, the internet, and TV— books and manuscripts were the primary vessels of knowledge. These artifacts, now echoing voices from the past, have played a fundamental role in shaping our shared legacy. A pivotal moment in this evolution came in the 15th century with Gutenberg's invention of the printing press, which revolutionized access to information and laid the groundwork for the democratization of knowledge. As a result of their historical and cultural significance, many early manuscripts and incunabula (books printed during the earliest period of typography) have been preserved in libraries and often remained in the shadows.

Worldwide, libraries have started unveiling these collections to the public, driven by a growing openness to showcase their 'treasures'. This allows a broader audience to appreciate the richness of these historical materials. While this effort fosters a deeper understanding of cultural heritage, it also introduces several challenges. One of the most critical is preservation, which must be carefully balanced with functional considerations. Key decisions include selecting and designing display case solutions, such as those from Goppion, that harmonize with the interior design and layout while providing effective protection.

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© Raitt Liu

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Hangzhou, China
  • Architects: dongqi Design
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  122
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2018
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Well-Alliance Decoration & Engineering