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dining: The Latest Architecture and News

In Southern California, Outdoor Dining Changes the Hospitality Landscape

"The explosion of outdoor dining is both a survival tool for restaurants and a welcome cultural shift that may be here to stay", states Jessica Ritz, in her article originally published on Metropolis. In fact, the author explores hospitality trends that have emerged during the pandemic in California, mainly outdoor dining, and that are likely to last or be present for a long time.

Dean & Deluca's STAGE by Ole Scheeren Debuts at Design Miami 2016

STAGE, a protoype for a new chef-led fast food concept, has debuted last week at Design Miami. Designed by internationally renowned architect Ole Scheeren for New York-based gourmet market and food supplier Dean & DeLuca, STAGE highlights interactive preparation, presentation, and consumption of food as a dynamic cultural and social experience. The new service format will become part of Dean & DeLuca’s expansion throughout key north American cities in 2017.

Dean & Deluca's STAGE by Ole Scheeren Debuts at Design Miami 2016 - Image 1 of 4Dean & Deluca's STAGE by Ole Scheeren Debuts at Design Miami 2016 - Image 2 of 4Dean & Deluca's STAGE by Ole Scheeren Debuts at Design Miami 2016 - Image 3 of 4Dean & Deluca's STAGE by Ole Scheeren Debuts at Design Miami 2016 - Image 4 of 4Dean & Deluca's STAGE by Ole Scheeren Debuts at Design Miami 2016 - More Images+ 21