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Design Doha: The Latest Architecture and News

Inaugural Edition of Design Doha 2024: Showcasing Innovation in Middle Eastern and North African Design

Qatar Museums has just revealed the roster of designers and exhibitions for the inaugural edition of Design Doha. Running from February 24 to August 5, 2024, Design Doha is a new Design Biennial showcasing over 100 Middle Eastern and North African designers. The announcement outlines six exhibitions launching during the first week, spotlighting innovation within Qatar and the region at large.

Inaugural Edition of Design Doha 2024: Showcasing Innovation in Middle Eastern and North African Design  - Image 1 of 4Inaugural Edition of Design Doha 2024: Showcasing Innovation in Middle Eastern and North African Design  - Image 2 of 4Inaugural Edition of Design Doha 2024: Showcasing Innovation in Middle Eastern and North African Design  - Image 3 of 4Inaugural Edition of Design Doha 2024: Showcasing Innovation in Middle Eastern and North African Design  - Image 4 of 4Inaugural Edition of Design Doha 2024: Showcasing Innovation in Middle Eastern and North African Design  - More Images+ 10