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Dan Stubbergaard: The Latest Architecture and News

COBE Wins Competition to Design Danish Parliament in Copenhagen

Cobe Architects has just unveiled its winning design for the future Danish Parliament in Copenhagen. Aiming to revitalize Denmark’s historic administrative center, the studio envisioned an inviting, accessible space, “where everyone can experience democracy up close.” The design features an underground visitor center, leading to facilities within the Parliament Courtyard, and an interconnected pathway uniting historic buildings formerly used by the Danish National Archive.

COBE Wins Competition to Design Danish Parliament in Copenhagen - Image 1 of 4COBE Wins Competition to Design Danish Parliament in Copenhagen - Image 2 of 4COBE Wins Competition to Design Danish Parliament in Copenhagen - Image 3 of 4COBE Wins Competition to Design Danish Parliament in Copenhagen - Image 4 of 4COBE Wins Competition to Design Danish Parliament in Copenhagen - More Images+ 2

Video: Dan Stubbergaard Explores Architecture's Social Impact through Time and Context

"The role of public buildings should be the first to show quality, sustainability, and an embrace of the people," says Copenhagen native and architect, Dan Stubbergaard, in this recent video from the Louisiana Channel. In COBE: Monuments of the Future, Stubbergaard speaks in favor of architecture that reinforces the welfare state, beginning with the philosophy behind the process: "Our buildings are like a hard disk of our memory or history" says Stubbergaard, "and you can see that this was the best you could do at that time."

Founder and creative director of COBE in Copenhagen, Stubbergaard focuses his practice on work varying from public space to large urban planning. Stubbergaard explains how architecture can be a way to understand how cities grow, live, break down and grow again. It is the architecture, the buildings and structure that direct people to the most popular cities, as it is "embedded into the history."