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  2. d3 Housing Tomorrow Competition

d3 Housing Tomorrow Competition: The Latest Architecture and News

d3 Housing Tomorrow 2015

Exploration of contextual, cultural, and life cycle flows offers a critical lens for visualizing new housing strategies for living in the future. The d3 Housing Tomorrow competition invites architects, designers, engineers, and students to collectively explore, document, analyze, transform, and deploy innovative approaches to residential urbanism, architecture, interiors, and designed objects.

The Winners of d3 Housing Tomorrow 2014

d3 has just announced the winners of its annual Housing Tomorrow competition, a competition that urges its participants to "deploy innovative, socially- and environmentally-engaged approaches to residential urbanism, architecture, interiors, and designed objects" in order to determine "new architectonic strategies for living in the future." As always, the results are fantastic, thought-provoking visions of a more sustainable world. See the winners, after the break.

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d3 Housing Tomorrow Competition 2014

Investigation of contextual, cultural, and life cycle flows offers a critical filter for visualizing innovative future housing strategies. Established in 2010, the annual d3 Housing Tomorrow competition has grown to become a leading voice in alternative residential architecture and one of the most notable awards in speculative, performance-based housing design.

d3 Housing Tomorrow 2012 Winners

d3 Housing Tomorrow 2012 Winners  - Image 21 of 4

d3 is pleased to announce the winners of the 2012 Housing Tomorrow competition. The annual competition promotes the exploration of contextual, cultural, and life cycle flows that offer new housing strategies for living in the future. Sponsored by New York-based d3, the competition invites architects, designers, engineers, and students to collectively explore innovative approaches to residential urbanism, architecture, interiors, and designed objects.

d3 recognizes innovative strategies that challenge conventional housing typologies with emerging planning strategies, advanced technologies and alternative materials. Competition submissions for 2012 reflect forces of globalization and adaptation, as well as the changing nature of visualization in academia and professional design practice. As an annual competition, d3 Housing Tomorrow seeks to identify and celebrate emerging voices and visionary proposals that connect housing with people, context and ecologies.

Continue after the break to view the three winners and twelve honorable mentions selected by the jury.

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"Living Landscape" d3 Housing Tomorrow Competition / STUDIOMARCOVERMEULEN

"Living Landscape" d3 Housing Tomorrow Competition / STUDIOMARCOVERMEULEN - Image 6 of 4

STUDIOMARCOVERMEULEN was rewarded with honorable mention for in the d3 Housing Tomorrow Competition for their project entitled “Living Landscape.” The central theme for the design is the landscape experience, with a study of the traditional Dutch housing as a typological precedent.

More images from this project after the break.

d3 Housing Tomorrow competition winners announced

d3 Housing Tomorrow competition winners announced - Image 1 of 4

d3 is pleased to announce the winners of the Housing Tomorrow competition for 2010. The program, developed by co-directors Gregory Marinic and Mary-Jo Schlachter, promotes investigation of housing typologies toward determining new architectonic strategies for living in the future. The competition invites architects, designers, engineers, and students to collectively explore, document, analyze, transform, and deploy innovative approaches to residential urbanism, architecture, interiors, and designed objects.

The competition awarded three prizes and eight special mentions, with first prize captured by Liminal Projects for their project: Home Spun: Water Harvesting Prefab Urban Housing for the Great Lakes Region. See the three prizes after the break. Special Mentions projects can be seen in the competition’s official website.