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Graham Foundation Announces $419,000 in 2016 Grants to Organizations

Coinciding with the organization’s 60th anniversary this year, The Graham Foundation has announced the list of recipients of their 2016 Grants to Organizations, a total of $419,000 (USD) to be given to 31 exemplary projects from around the world. The Organization Grants are awarded to projects displaying “originality, capacity, feasibility and potential for impact” and are divided amongst four categories: Exhibition, Film/Video/New Media, Public Program, and Publication.

In its 60 years, the foundation has made significant impacts in the fields of art and architecture through the awarding of grants to outstanding projects, exhibitions and publications. They have expanded their exhibition programming in the past few years, including a display at the inaugural Chicago Architecture Biennal last year.

Continue after the break for the full list of recipients.

Ando, Botta & Glancey on the Dream of Venice, Photographed by Riccardo De Cal

Ando, Botta & Glancey on the Dream of Venice, Photographed by Riccardo De Cal - Image 5 of 4
© Riccardo De Cal

Dream of Venice Architecture, the second in a series by Bella Figura Publications, has brought together a collection of contemporary architects and architectural writers to share their personal experiences of La Serenissima: the great Italian city of Venice. "Water runs through her veins," Editor JoAnn Locktov writes. "Bridges, palaces, churches – every structure is a testament to the resiliency of imagination."

Video: Speculative Detroit – The Architectural Imagination at the 2016 Venice Biennale

In this interview, presented in collaboration with PLANE—SITE, Cynthia Davidson and Monica Ponce de Leon—curators of the US Pavilion at the 2016 Venice Biennale—explain why the United States' contribution to the 2016 Venice Biennale has brought together "visionary" American architectural practices to speculatively address the future of the city of Detroit. They argue that these projects have "far-reaching applications for cities around the world."

The Architectural Imagination: Inside the US Pavilion for the 2016 Venice Biennale

The Architectural Imagination: Inside the US Pavilion for the 2016 Venice Biennale - Featured Image
The Architectural Imagination / curated by Cynthia Davidson and Monica Ponce de Leon. The US Pavilion at the 2016 Venice Biennale. Image © Laurian Ghinitoiu

As part of ArchDaily's coverage of the 2016 Venice Biennale, we are presenting a series of articles written by the curators of the exhibitions and installations on show.

The Architectural Imagination presents twelve new speculative architecture projects designed for specific sites in Detroit but with far-reaching applications for cities around the world.

As the home of the automobile industry, the free-span concrete factory, Motown, and techno, Detroit was once a center of American imagination, not only for the products it made but also for its modern architecture and modern lifestyle, which captivated audiences worldwide.

Today, like many post-industrial cities, it is coping with the effects of a declining population and an urban landscape pockmarked with blight. Nonetheless, having emerged from bankruptcy, there is new excitement in Detroit to imagine the city's possible futures, both in the downtown core and in its many neighborhoods.

The Architectural Imagination: Inside the US Pavilion for the 2016 Venice Biennale - Image 1 of 4The Architectural Imagination: Inside the US Pavilion for the 2016 Venice Biennale - Image 2 of 4The Architectural Imagination: Inside the US Pavilion for the 2016 Venice Biennale - Image 3 of 4The Architectural Imagination: Inside the US Pavilion for the 2016 Venice Biennale - Image 4 of 4The Architectural Imagination: Inside the US Pavilion for the 2016 Venice Biennale - More Images+ 7