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Corridors: The Latest Architecture and News

Henning Larsen-Led Team Unveils Master Plan for Singapore’s North-South Corridor Urban Transformation

The team led by Henning Larsen, in collaboration with Ramboll, Cistri, Gehl, Participate in Design, and Camphora has won the commission for the master plan consultancy to design Singapore’s North-South Corridor’s surface streets. The project proposes an expansive urban transformation, aiming to integrate public transport, active mobility, community-focused spaces, and greenery along the 21.5km corridor. Local communities and stakeholders are also actively engaged in the design process through public engagement sessions. The initial master plan design is set to continue into 2026, over the next 18 months.

Henning Larsen-Led Team Unveils Master Plan for Singapore’s North-South Corridor Urban Transformation - Imagen 1 de 4Henning Larsen-Led Team Unveils Master Plan for Singapore’s North-South Corridor Urban Transformation - Imagen 2 de 4Henning Larsen-Led Team Unveils Master Plan for Singapore’s North-South Corridor Urban Transformation - Imagen 3 de 4Henning Larsen-Led Team Unveils Master Plan for Singapore’s North-South Corridor Urban Transformation - Imagen 4 de 4Henning Larsen-Led Team Unveils Master Plan for Singapore’s North-South Corridor Urban Transformation - More Images+ 2

Capturing the Beauty of Singapore’s Diverse Architecture

If you come to think of it, the urban development of the world's largest cities is like playing a game of Tetris; No matter how condensed or crowded, for architects, there is always room for more. However, this act of 'structural stacking' often creates unique architectural compositions.

As a follow-up to his first photo-series, Singaporean photographer and visual artist Kevin Siyuan put together 'Corridors of Diversity', a short montage of communal corridors and HDB (Housing and Development Board) block facades, featuring the dynamic designs and forms of Singapore's densely built environment.