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AD Classics: Roman Pantheon / Emperor Hadrian

Locked within Rome’s labyrinthine maze of narrow streets stands one of the most renowned buildings in the history of architecture. Built at the height of the Roman Empire’s power and wealth, the Roman Pantheon has been both lauded and studied for both the immensity of its dome and its celestial geometry for over two millennia. During this time it has been the subject of countless imitations and references as the enduring architectural legacy of one of the world’s most influential epochs.

AD Classics: Roman Pantheon / Emperor Hadrian - Interior Photography, Landmarks & Monuments, Arch, Facade, Lighting, ChairAD Classics: Roman Pantheon / Emperor Hadrian - Landmarks & MonumentsAD Classics: Roman Pantheon / Emperor Hadrian - Drawings, Landmarks & Monuments, Facade, Arch, ArcadeAD Classics: Roman Pantheon / Emperor Hadrian - Exterior Photography, Landmarks & Monuments, Facade, ColumnAD Classics: Roman Pantheon / Emperor Hadrian - More Images+ 11