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COOKFOX: The Latest Architecture and News

Reimagining Work Culture: Google Unveils New York Headquarters at Renovated St. John’s Terminal

Google’s newest headquarters in New York, situated within the St. John’s Terminal, will open its doors on February 26th, marking a milestone for the company’s presence in the city. Designed by COOKFOX Architects, in collaboration with Gensler, the headquarters is constructed atop the original 1930s rail terminal and adapted to become a vibrant hub for over 14,000 Googlers. The terminal, formerly the endpoint of the iconic High Light, now serves as a testament to the company’s innovative approach, rapid growth, and lifelong commitment to New York.

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COOKFOX Reimagines Former High Line Freight Terminal as Workplace of the Future

COOKFOX Architects and Oxford Properties have reimagined New York's St. John’s Terminal as a workplace of the future. The 1.3 million square foot proposal aims to connect the Hudson Square neighborhood to the waterfront at the end of The High Line. Combining outdoor space and greenery with 100,000 square-foot floor plates, the project reinterprets the industrial past of the former freight terminal. The project was created to shape how businesses innovate and create between Lower Manhattan and the waterfront.

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Friends Center at Angkor Hospital for Children / COOKFOX

Friends Center at Angkor Hospital for Children / COOKFOX - Image 1 of 4
© COOKFOX Architects

The Friends Center at Angkor Hospital for Children was designed by COOKFOX Architects as an accessory to the existing Angkor Hospital founded by Kenro Izu. The pediatric care facility provides free, quality medical services to over 500,000 patients in Siem Reap, Cambodia while also training health care professionals. The center is an outreach pavilion to welcome visitors to the hospital without compromising patient privacy. The center is a space of exchange where visitors, learning about the program may also experience elements of Cambodia’s heritage through exhibitions of art work and the architecture itself.