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Coldefy & Associates: The Latest Architecture and News

Coldefy with RDAI | HHCP Selected to Design the National Pulse Memorial & Museum

OnePULSE Foundation has selected Coldefy & Associés with RDAI, Orlando-based HHCP Architects, Xavier Veilhan, dUCKS scéno, Agence TER, and Prof. Laila Farah, to design the National Pulse Memorial & Museum.

Prequalification Results of the International Competition for the Landmark Design of Qianhai New City Center

Prequalification Results of the International Competition for the Landmark Design of Qianhai New City Center - Featured Image

The Prequalification Meeting of the International Competition for the Landmark Design of Qianhai New City Center was held in Banquet Hall, 3F, Tower C, MingWah International Convention Centre on May 20, 2019. The jury was made up of 7 experts and 2 client representatives. The jury studied the registration documents and conceptual proposals of the 124 applicants. After deep discussion, through 5 rounds of open votes the jury selected 10 shortlisted competitors into the competition and 2 alternatives in order who will enter Stage 2 - Proposal Preparation and Review by order if any of the 10 competitors quit.

High Profile Architects Shortlisted for Pulse Nightclub Shooting Memorial

The shortlist has been announced for the design of the National Pulse Memorial & Museum in Orlando, Florida, honoring the 49 people killed during the Pulse nightclub shooting on June 12th, 2016. Established by Dovetail Design Strategists for the onePULSE Foundation, the open, two-stage international competition seeks to honor those killed while also supporting the families, survivors, and first responders.

Coldefy & Associates Design World's Largest Single-Domed Tropical Greenhouse

French firm Coldefy & Associates has unveiled images of their design proposal for the world’s largest tropical greenhouse under one roof. Situated in Pas-de-Calais, France, “Tropicalia” will cover an area of 215,000 square feet (20,000 square meters) featuring a tropical forest, turtle beach, a pool for Amazonian fish, and a one-kilometer-long walking trail. The biome aims to offer a “harmonious haven” where visitors are immediately immersed in a seemingly natural environment under a single domed roof.

Coldefy & Associates Design World's Largest Single-Domed Tropical Greenhouse - SustainabilityColdefy & Associates Design World's Largest Single-Domed Tropical Greenhouse - SustainabilityColdefy & Associates Design World's Largest Single-Domed Tropical Greenhouse - SustainabilityColdefy & Associates Design World's Largest Single-Domed Tropical Greenhouse - SustainabilityColdefy & Associates Design World's Largest Single-Domed Tropical Greenhouse - More Images+ 3