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  2. Coburg

Coburg: The Latest Architecture and News

Coburg and Moreland Stations / Wood/Marsh

Coburg and Moreland Stations / Wood/Marsh - Exterior Photography, Train Station, FacadeCoburg and Moreland Stations / Wood/Marsh - Train Station, Facade, LightingCoburg and Moreland Stations / Wood/Marsh - Interior Photography, Train StationCoburg and Moreland Stations / Wood/Marsh - Exterior Photography, Train Station, FacadeCoburg and Moreland Stations / Wood/Marsh - More Images+ 31

  • Architects: Wood/Marsh
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  2159
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2023
  • Professionals: Tract

Edgars Creek House / Breathe Architecture

Edgars Creek House / Breathe Architecture - Exterior Photography, Sustainability, Door, Facade, ForestEdgars Creek House / Breathe Architecture - Interior Photography, Sustainability, Kitchen, Beam, Table, Chair, CountertopEdgars Creek House / Breathe Architecture - Exterior Photography, Sustainability, FacadeEdgars Creek House / Breathe Architecture - Interior Photography, Sustainability, Garden, Facade, Column, Arch, Beam, HandrailEdgars Creek House / Breathe Architecture - More Images+ 9

Circular Tiny House CTH*1 / Faculty Design / Coburg University Germany

Circular Tiny House CTH*1 / Faculty Design / Coburg University Germany - Exterior Photography, Houses, Door, FacadeCircular Tiny House CTH*1 / Faculty Design / Coburg University Germany - Exterior Photography, Houses, Facade, BeamCircular Tiny House CTH*1 / Faculty Design / Coburg University Germany - Exterior Photography, Houses, FacadeCircular Tiny House CTH*1 / Faculty Design / Coburg University Germany - Exterior Photography, Houses, FacadeCircular Tiny House CTH*1 / Faculty Design / Coburg University Germany - More Images+ 18

Coburg, Germany

Coburg Freeboard House / WALA

Coburg Freeboard House / WALA - Interior Photography, Extension, Kitchen, Door, Facade, ChairCoburg Freeboard House / WALA - Interior Photography, Extension, TableCoburg Freeboard House / WALA - Exterior Photography, Extension, FenceCoburg Freeboard House / WALA - Interior Photography, Extension, CountertopCoburg Freeboard House / WALA - More Images+ 15