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  2. Cebu City

Cebu City: The Latest Architecture and News

Vincent Callebaut Designs a Modular Mass Timber Tower on the Island of Cebu, in the Philippines

Vincent Callebaut Architectures has imagined The Rainbow Tree, a modular mass timber condominium tower in Cebu City, Philippines. Revealing the cultural and natural Filipino heritage, the project, named after an iconic and colorful tree from the Philippines the Rainbow Eucalyptus, was entirely conceived in a way to reduce the carbon footprint of the building.

Vincent Callebaut Designs a Modular Mass Timber Tower on the Island of Cebu, in the Philippines - Image 1 of 4Vincent Callebaut Designs a Modular Mass Timber Tower on the Island of Cebu, in the Philippines - Image 2 of 4Vincent Callebaut Designs a Modular Mass Timber Tower on the Island of Cebu, in the Philippines - Image 3 of 4Vincent Callebaut Designs a Modular Mass Timber Tower on the Island of Cebu, in the Philippines - Image 4 of 4Vincent Callebaut Designs a Modular Mass Timber Tower on the Island of Cebu, in the Philippines - More Images+ 15

100 Walls Church / CAZA

100 Walls Church / CAZA -          Churches100 Walls Church / CAZA - Exterior Photography,          Churches, Cityscape100 Walls Church / CAZA - Interior Photography,          Churches, Facade100 Walls Church / CAZA - Interior Photography,          Churches, Facade100 Walls Church / CAZA - More Images+ 9

Cebu City, Philippines
  • Architects: CAZA
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  8924
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2013
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Oldcastle APG, Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope