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The Second Studio Podcast: Overcoming the Challenges of New Projects

The Second Studio (formerly The Midnight Charette) is an explicit podcast about design, architecture, and the everyday. Hosted by Architects David Lee and Marina Bourderonnet, it features different creative professionals in unscripted conversations that allow for thoughtful takes and personal discussions.

A variety of subjects are covered with honesty and humor: some episodes are interviews, while others are tips for fellow designers, reviews of buildings and other projects, or casual explorations of everyday life and design. The Second Studio is also available on iTunes, Spotify, and YouTube.

This week David and Marina of FAME Architecture & Design discuss one of the ways they begin projects with new clients with their Project Starter Service. Embarking on a project can be daunting for those unfamiliar with the architecture, design, and construction industry. The initial onboarding phase—prior to the contract being awarded—also poses challenges for architects and professionals. In this episode, they discuss one way to have a smoother start for everyone that establishes a strong foundation for the project to build on.

The Second Studio Podcast: Preparing Students for Their Careers and Global Challenges

The Second Studio (formerly The Midnight Charette) is an explicit podcast about design, architecture, and the everyday. Hosted by Architects David Lee and Marina Bourderonnet, it features different creative professionals in unscripted conversations that allow for thoughtful takes and personal discussions.

A variety of subjects are covered with honesty and humor: some episodes are interviews, while others are tips for fellow designers, reviews of buildings and other projects, or casual explorations of everyday life and design. The Second Studio is also available on iTunes, Spotify, and YouTube.

This week David and Marina have a discussion about how schools can better prepare students for their careers and to tackle issues of equity, social justice, and climate change. The questions are from EQiA’s (Equity in Architecture) 2023 Forum panel which took place in Georgia Institute of Technology. The EQiA is a student organization at the Georgia Institute of Technology, College of Design. It is dedicated to unity and equity in architecture.

Building a Career in Architecture: A Designer Reflects on Her First Three Years at SOM

Not so long ago, Lulu Li was in a classroom in graduate school, inspired by her education, the buildings around her, and a childhood dream. Since joining SOM as an entry-level architect a little more than three years ago, Lulu has grown in her role. She’s now a leader of the design team for a new science center at Wellesley College. We spoke with Lulu to learn more about her experience: the opportunities she’s found, the challenges she’s faced, and her advice for new graduates ready to begin their careers.

How did you get interested in architecture?

Architecture Ranked as 10th Best Entry-Level Job out of 109 Professions

Architects are famously cynical about the long hours and over-education required for what can be a thankless career. But in a recent study conducted by WalletHub, “2016’s Best & Worst Entry-Level Jobs”, recent grads and seasoned professionals alike may be surprised to find that “architect” is ranked 10th out of 109 evaluated professions. Read on to find out how they calculated their result.

Who Are Architects Marrying?

An interactive info graphic published by Bloomberg last month, which scanned 2014 U.S. Census Bureau information from more than 3.5 million households, shows how married professionals are pairing up. Whether people are marrying others in the same field (like artists tend to do), or outside their profession, (as metal fabricators, secretaries and administrative assistants do), Bloomberg finds that falling in love may have more to do with work proximity than destiny.