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Campus Design: The Latest Architecture and News

Are For-Profit Developments Consistent With the Values of a Public University?

This article was originally published on Common Edge.

I am by no means an expert on public-private partnerships. But for about 10 years, as the University of California Berkeley’s campus planner and then campus architect, I watched these developments play out in higher education—sometimes from a front-row seat, sometimes as a participant. During that time, this strategy, promoted with great enthusiasm and optimism, was touted as the answer to whatever problem arose. And yet the definition of a public-private partnership was slippery. The concept itself seemed to be all things for all people, depending on what was needed, who was recommending it, and what equivalents (if any) existed outside the university. The bandwagon continues to play today, making it ever more important to nail down the pros and cons of this development strategy, not only for colleges and universities, but for all public decision-making.

Are For-Profit Developments Consistent With the Values of a Public University? - Image 1 of 4Are For-Profit Developments Consistent With the Values of a Public University? - Image 2 of 4Are For-Profit Developments Consistent With the Values of a Public University? - Image 3 of 4Are For-Profit Developments Consistent With the Values of a Public University? - Image 4 of 4Are For-Profit Developments Consistent With the Values of a Public University? - More Images

SO–IL Designs a Teaching Museum of Art for Williams College in the United States

Brooklyn-based firm SO-IL has revealed the design for a new campus art museum at Williams College in Massachusetts, created to become a primary teaching resource for the institution renowned for its art history program. Since its inauguration in 1926, the Williams College Museum of Art has gathered an expansive collection of over 15,000 works. Through the design of SO-IL, the museum will be able to move into its first freestanding purpose-built home. In May 2024, the museum will present an exhibition on SO-IL’s design.

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OMA / Chris van Duijn Wins Bid to Design Hongik University's New Campus in Seoul

OMA / Chris van Duijn won the competition to design a new campus for Hongik University in Seoul, South Korea. The proposal introduces a cluster of low-rise buildings interconnected by a network of public spaces molded on the existing topography of the site. The design aims to reemphasize the university’s connection to the city and its neighboring areas and to introduce greenery and various open spaces creating a seamless connection between roof terraces, outdoor courtyards, and sunken plazas. The winning proposal was chosen from the entries from established international practices, including SANAA, Herzog & de Meuron, Renzo Piano Building Workshop, and David Chipperfield Architects.

HENN Develops Master Plan for City University of Hong Kong

International architecture office HENN developed a 300,000m² master plan for the City University of Hong Kong in the province of Guangdong. The construction will be split into two phases: the central library is planned for 2023 and the academic amenities, including student residences, are scheduled for completion in 2025. As the City University of Hong Kong's third mainland site, "CityU Dongguan" will connect researchers and industry collaborators across the Greater Bay Area Technology Innovation Corridor and create a multifaceted university district in the Pearl River Delta region. Moreover, the complex will be home to the Faculty of Science, Engineering, Business, and Medicine.

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Letter From Berkeley: Campus Planning in an Increasingly Virtual World

This article was originally published on Common Edge.

In March 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic shifted our university—the University of California, Berkeley—totally online, along with the whole of education from childcare up across the country and most of the planet. In the wake of this forced and unprecedented experiment, debates about what it means remain ongoing. Will the episodic dream of a placeless university, or at minimum a hybrid place/placeless one, come true? Millennia of experience argue for giving higher education a local, physical anchor. And most universities and colleges have this anchor as their starting place, even as they consider what their ongoing experience with virtual teaching, research, and administration means.

Exhibition Center of Zhengzhou Linkong Biopharmaceutical Park / WSP ARCHITECTS

Exhibition Center of Zhengzhou Linkong Biopharmaceutical Park / WSP ARCHITECTS - Offices, Facade, Handrail, FenceExhibition Center of Zhengzhou Linkong Biopharmaceutical Park / WSP ARCHITECTS - Offices, LightingExhibition Center of Zhengzhou Linkong Biopharmaceutical Park / WSP ARCHITECTS - Offices, Facade, ArchExhibition Center of Zhengzhou Linkong Biopharmaceutical Park / WSP ARCHITECTS - Offices, FacadeExhibition Center of Zhengzhou Linkong Biopharmaceutical Park / WSP ARCHITECTS - More Images+ 14

  • Architects: WSP ARCHITECTS
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  4872
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2017