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Cambio Climático: The Latest Architecture and News

The Curtain: A Key Element in the Certification of Sustainable Buildings

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When Wallace S. Broecker first introduced the concept of global warming in the 1970s, society probably didn't anticipate the implications of this phenomenon. Today, more than 50 years later, we have stopped predicting an adverse climate scenario and have begun witnessing it directly. It is now evident that the earth is breaking temperature records year after year, as a result of a disparity in the global response to the issue and a slow-moving reduction in carbon emissions.

To reduce CO₂ emissions in architecture, it is crucial to implement effective strategies that address both the manufacturing of materials and the life cycle of buildings, as well as energy consumption during use. In countries like the US, approximately 45% of energy consumption in the residential sector is allocated to heating and cooling spaces, making it essential to address efficient building design, especially on the façade. To achieve this objective, policies are being implemented that promote a conversion towards a more sustainable model. In this new model, sustainability certifications for buildings provide a framework for measuring and evaluating resource consumption.