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Bus Terminal: The Latest Architecture and News

Foster + Partners Reveal Updated Designs for Manhattan’s Port Authority Bus Terminal

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has released a revised proposal for the Midtown Bus Terminal, designed by Foster + Partners and A. Epstein and Sons International Inc. After the first version of the redesign was released in 2022, now the authorities announced the publication of the revised project plans that take into account feedback from key stakeholders including commuters and the larger community. The $10 billion facility is designed to accommodate the projected 2040-2050 commuter growth and provide a better experience for one of the world’s busiest bus terminals.

Foster + Partners Reveal Updated Designs for Manhattan’s Port Authority Bus Terminal - Image 1 of 4Foster + Partners Reveal Updated Designs for Manhattan’s Port Authority Bus Terminal - Image 2 of 4Foster + Partners Reveal Updated Designs for Manhattan’s Port Authority Bus Terminal - Image 3 of 4Foster + Partners Reveal Updated Designs for Manhattan’s Port Authority Bus Terminal - Image 4 of 4Foster + Partners Reveal Updated Designs for Manhattan’s Port Authority Bus Terminal - More Images

Foster + Partners and Epstein Selected to Revive Port Authority’s Midtown Bus Terminal in Manhattan

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey have announced the selection of Foster + Partners and U.S.-based multi-disciplinary design firm A. Epstein and Sons International Inc to reimagine the city's state-of-the-art Midtown Bus Terminal in Manhattan, the busiest bus terminal in the world. The project aims to expand the terminal's accommodation capacity, replacing the aging 72-year-old bus terminal with a new world-class facility. The new terminal will be designed to provide a best-in-class customer experience that serves the region’s 21st century public transportation needs, while enhancing the surrounding community and allowing for the removal of intercity buses from local streets.

Foster + Partners and Epstein Selected to Revive Port Authority’s Midtown Bus Terminal in Manhattan - Image 1 of 4Foster + Partners and Epstein Selected to Revive Port Authority’s Midtown Bus Terminal in Manhattan - Featured ImageFoster + Partners and Epstein Selected to Revive Port Authority’s Midtown Bus Terminal in Manhattan - Image 2 of 4Foster + Partners and Epstein Selected to Revive Port Authority’s Midtown Bus Terminal in Manhattan - Image 3 of 4Foster + Partners and Epstein Selected to Revive Port Authority’s Midtown Bus Terminal in Manhattan - More Images

CHYBIK + KRISTOF Redesign Brutalist Bus Terminal in the Czech Republic

Architects and urban designers CHYBIK + KRISTOF have announced the ground-breaking of their redesign of Brno’s Zvonařka Central Bus Terminal in the Czech Republic. Self-initiated by the architects in 2011, the project involved preserving the existing Brutalist heritage structure while addressing the need to rethink the terminal for contemporary needs. The project reimagines an iconic landmark and its role within the city.

Hsinchu Bus Terminal / KRIS YAO | ARTECH

Hsinchu Bus Terminal / KRIS YAO | ARTECH - Exterior Photography, Bus Station, Facade
© Jeffrey Cheng

Hsinchu Bus Terminal / KRIS YAO | ARTECH - Exterior Photography, Bus Station, FacadeHsinchu Bus Terminal / KRIS YAO | ARTECH - Exterior Photography, Bus Station, FacadeHsinchu Bus Terminal / KRIS YAO | ARTECH - Bus StationHsinchu Bus Terminal / KRIS YAO | ARTECH - Bus StationHsinchu Bus Terminal / KRIS YAO | ARTECH - More Images+ 8

Xinzhu, China