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Bus Shelters: The Latest Architecture and News

Margot Krasojevic Proposes Trolleybus Garden that Generates Electricity From the Movement of Vehicles

Far from the common dismissal of Margot Krasojevic’s work as (in her own words) “parametric futurist crap,” her work has always revolved around concepts of sustainability. As she explained to ArchDaily last year, she aims to focus on the ways that sustainable technology “will affect not just an architectural language but create a cross disciplinary dialogue and superimpose a typology in light of the ever-evolving technological era.” For the second project in a series of three proposals for the city of Belgrade Serbia, the architect is proposing a “Trolleybus Garden” that functions as a waiting shelter and park while simultaneously harnessing kinetic movement to produce electricity.

Margot Krasojevic Proposes Trolleybus Garden that Generates Electricity From the Movement of Vehicles - Image 1 of 4Margot Krasojevic Proposes Trolleybus Garden that Generates Electricity From the Movement of Vehicles - Image 2 of 4Margot Krasojevic Proposes Trolleybus Garden that Generates Electricity From the Movement of Vehicles - Image 3 of 4Margot Krasojevic Proposes Trolleybus Garden that Generates Electricity From the Movement of Vehicles - Image 4 of 4Margot Krasojevic Proposes Trolleybus Garden that Generates Electricity From the Movement of Vehicles - More Images+ 11