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bogevischs buero: The Latest Architecture and News

The Office

The first edition of a book series called “The Office”. A book that looks behind the scenes and gives an insight into the architectural offices. It is not dedicated to their buildings, but rather portrays the creators, the creative people whose intellectual work lays the foundation for the creation of a building. The result is an authentic photographic report, taken from the knowledge-hungry perspective of a secret observer, a voyeurist of good design.

DAM Selects Visionary Frankfurt Housing Project as Germany's Best Building for 2018

The 2018 DAM Preis for the best building in Germany has been been awarded to bogevischs buero and SHAG Schindler Hable Architekten for their visionary residential housing project wagnisART in Munich. Selected from a list of 4 finalists, the project was lauded by the jury for setting new “social, architectural, and urban planning standards” in becoming a model for future residential housing projects in Germany.

The DAM Preis for Architecture in Germany was established by Deutsches Architekturmuseum in 2007 to honor outstanding buildings in Germany. Previous winners of the annual award include the European Hansemuseum in Lubeck by Studio Andreas Heller (2017), the renovation of the Neues Museum by David Chipperfield Architects (2010) and the Kolumba Museum by Atelier Peter Zumthor (2008).

Learn more about the winner and see a selection of shortlisted and finalist projects below.

DAM Selects Visionary Frankfurt Housing Project as Germany's Best Building for 2018 - Image 1 of 4DAM Selects Visionary Frankfurt Housing Project as Germany's Best Building for 2018 - Image 2 of 4DAM Selects Visionary Frankfurt Housing Project as Germany's Best Building for 2018 - Image 3 of 4DAM Selects Visionary Frankfurt Housing Project as Germany's Best Building for 2018 - Image 4 of 4DAM Selects Visionary Frankfurt Housing Project as Germany's Best Building for 2018 - More Images+ 14