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BIAS Architects: The Latest Architecture and News

The City Beyond Architecture. Sheng-Yuan Huang and the work of Fieldoffice Architects in Yilan, Taiwan.

The world of today is changing. The center of development has moved to Asia, where more than half of the world’s urban population is already living. In the future, Asian settlements will outnumber those of other continents. And, most interestingly, the Far East’s urbanization has nothing to do with what happened in the West, where suburbanism has finally come to dominate the landscape and the lives of most people. In Asia, activities are all mixed, and one can find agricultural production sitting side by side with housing, temples, or high-tech factories. It is a new kind of mixitè and, if properly managed, it looks the like of something more sustainable than a European or American periphery.

A new ListLab!  Open Call for publishing projects within the context of the forthcoming books series' M120 - Meridiano 120,' 'Enter Anthropocene,' and 'The Digital Affairs' by ListLab publisher.

A new ListLab! 
Open Call for publishing projects within the context of the forthcoming books series' M120 - Meridiano 120,' 'Enter Anthropocene,' and 'The Digital Affairs' by ListLab publisher.

Book Presentation: The City Beyond Architecture

Sheng-Yuan Huang is one of a kind in the architecture world. Indeed, even though he advocates for freedom in the process and shapes of architecture, he contained his work within a county of Taiwan. Here, during a process long 25 years, he has been able to build an urban sequence of public spaces and facilities that spans across more than one kilometer of urban and rural land.

Call for Submissions: Six Sites Another Landscape, Design Workshop on Contemporary Landscape 2018

The Chinese Culture University, Taiwan, in collaboration with the municipality of Maccagno con Pino e Veddasca, Italy, is offering to a limited number of architecture and landscape architecture students the opportunity to take part in a seven-day design workshop in Maccagno, organized by the Landscape architecture department, College of Environmental Design, the Chinese Culture University as part of the CCU summer 2018 workshops program. This workshop is the third and last installment of the collaboration between CCU and the municipality of Maccagno con Pino e Veddasca, that began with the August 2016 workshop and repeated with the August 2017 workshop, involving more than 50 students.

Call for Submissions: Six Sites Another Landscape, Design Workshop on Contemporary Landscape

The Chinese Culture University, Taiwan, in collaboration with the municipality of Maccagno con Pino e Veddasca, Italy, is offering to a limited number of architecture and landscape architecture students the opportunity to take part in a twelve-day design workshop in Maccagno, organized by the Landscape Architecture Department, College of Environmental Design, the Chinese Culture University as part of the CCU summer 2017 workshops program.

Event Highlights from "Towards A New Avant-Garde" at the Venice Biennale

Towards a New Avant-Garde, Superscript’s three-part conversation series during the opening weekend of the 14th International Architecture Exhibition— La Biennale di Venezia, brought together 40 talented young architects, writers, critics, to debate issues of identity, collaboration, and economics. Over the course of three 90-minute conversations, several key themes emerged, including the need of architects to engage the public directly, the importance of evolving new forms of communication and criticism, and the value of capitalizing on opportunities to be proactive. Here’s a snapshot of what the participants had to say:

'The Life of Airports' Discussion and Exhibition

'The Life of Airports' Discussion and Exhibition - Featured Image
gdm: courtesy NowhereGallery

i2a istituto internazionale di architettura will be organizing a round table on airports and their complexity on Friday, March 16th at 8:00pm in Vico Morcote. Representatives of the fields of airport management and design will be joined by two artists to exchange stories, uses, criticality and design of several airports in and around Ticino. They will be offering a more poetic vision of infrastructure as a reflection on spatial types. This discussion will coincide with the opening of the exhibition The life of airports. Two case studies: Lugano and Santa Maria Island (Azores). More information on the event after the break.