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  2. Bethlehem

Bethlehem: The Latest Architecture and News

Lehigh University Singleton, Hitch, and Maida Residential Houses / Sasaki

Lehigh University Singleton, Hitch, and Maida Residential Houses / Sasaki - Exterior Photography, University, FacadeLehigh University Singleton, Hitch, and Maida Residential Houses / Sasaki - Exterior Photography, University, FacadeLehigh University Singleton, Hitch, and Maida Residential Houses / Sasaki - Exterior Photography, University, FacadeLehigh University Singleton, Hitch, and Maida Residential Houses / Sasaki - Interior Photography, University, Table, Chair, BenchLehigh University Singleton, Hitch, and Maida Residential Houses / Sasaki - More Images+ 25

Dar Al Majous / AAU ANASTAS

Dar Al Majous / AAU ANASTAS - Exterior Photography, Heritage, Facade, ArchDar Al Majous / AAU ANASTAS - Interior Photography, Heritage, Stairs, Handrail, Arch, Facade, Column, BenchDar Al Majous / AAU ANASTAS - Interior Photography, Heritage, Facade, Beam, ArchDar Al Majous / AAU ANASTAS - Interior Photography, Heritage, Arch, Table, ChairDar Al Majous / AAU ANASTAS - More Images+ 41

  • Architects: AAU ANASTAS
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  633
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2022

The Levitt Pavilion / WRT - Wallace Roberts & Todd

The Levitt Pavilion / WRT - Wallace Roberts & Todd - PavilionThe Levitt Pavilion / WRT - Wallace Roberts & Todd - Pavilion, FacadeThe Levitt Pavilion / WRT - Wallace Roberts & Todd - Pavilion, Arch, Facade, CityscapeThe Levitt Pavilion / WRT - Wallace Roberts & Todd - PavilionThe Levitt Pavilion / WRT - Wallace Roberts & Todd - More Images+ 9

Bethlehem, United States

National Conservatory / AAU ANASTAS

National Conservatory / AAU ANASTAS - Music Venue, Stairs, Door, Handrail, Facade, LightingNational Conservatory / AAU ANASTAS - Music Venue, Chair, LightingNational Conservatory / AAU ANASTAS - Music Venue, FacadeNational Conservatory / AAU ANASTAS - Music Venue, Facade, Door, StairsNational Conservatory / AAU ANASTAS - More Images+ 31

Bethlehem, Palestine
  • Architects: AAU ANASTAS
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  1200
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2012

AIA Pennsylvania awards Spillman Farmer Architects for ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks

AIA Pennsylvania awards Spillman Farmer Architects for ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks - Image 7 of 4
© Paul Warchol Photography

The American Institute of Architects Pennsylvania Chapter has awarded a Silver Medal, the institute’s highest honor, to Spillman Farmer Architects for their highly successful ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks. Located on the landmark Bethlehem Steel site in eastern Pennsylvania, the dynamic performing arts, media and cultural center has served as an anchor for the revitalization effort in the City of Bethlehem that is transforming the once-abandoned historic industrial core into a dynamic, sustainable and livable mixed-use community. The 200-foot industrial ruins towering above the ArtsQuest Center is part of the country’s largest privately-owned brownfield.

AIA jurors praised the project saying, “The design captures the energy and utilitarian beauty that the best of the industrial revolution once offered. At the same time it demonstrates the power that a truly successful marriage of architecture and program can exert in bringing new purpose and hope to the most abandoned parts of our community.”

Continue reading after the break for more information and images.

AIA Pennsylvania awards Spillman Farmer Architects for ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks - Image 6 of 4AIA Pennsylvania awards Spillman Farmer Architects for ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks - Image 4 of 4AIA Pennsylvania awards Spillman Farmer Architects for ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks - Image 10 of 4AIA Pennsylvania awards Spillman Farmer Architects for ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks - Image 8 of 4AIA Pennsylvania awards Spillman Farmer Architects for ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks - More Images+ 7

The ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks / Spillman Farmer Architects

The ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks / Spillman Farmer Architects - Visual Arts Center, ChairThe ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks / Spillman Farmer Architects - Visual Arts Center, Beam, Facade, Handrail, Stairs, DoorThe ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks / Spillman Farmer Architects - Visual Arts Center, StairsThe ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks / Spillman Farmer Architects - Visual Arts Center, Handrail, Stairs, FacadeThe ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks / Spillman Farmer Architects - More Images+ 32

Bethlehem Steel Site / Spillman Farmer Architects

Bethlehem Steel Site / Spillman Farmer Architects - Office Buildings, Facade, BeamBethlehem Steel Site / Spillman Farmer Architects - Office Buildings, ChairBethlehem Steel Site / Spillman Farmer Architects - Office Buildings, FacadeBethlehem Steel Site / Spillman Farmer Architects - Office Buildings, Table, ChairBethlehem Steel Site / Spillman Farmer Architects - More Images+ 7