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Best Tall Building Worldwide: The Latest Architecture and News

CTBUH Names World's 4 Best Skyscrapers of 2015

The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) has shortlisted four buildings for the annual "Best Tall Building Awards." Considered to be the four best skyscrapers of the year, the buildings have been named from each of the four competing regions in the world - Americas; Asia and Australia; Europe; the Middle East and Africa - from nominees representing 33 countries. One of the buildings will be crowned the world's best at a ceremony this November.

The four top skyscrapers for 2015 are...

CTBUH Names One Central Park “Best Tall Building Worldwide” for 2014

This year’s title of “Best Tall Building Worldwide” has been awarded to One Central Park, in Sydney, Australia. The award, presented by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH), was chosen after a year long selection process across 88 entries in four regions. Senior representatives of each of these four winners presented at the CTBUH Awards Symposium on November 6th at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, and the winner was announced at the Awards Dinner following the Symposium. Read on after the break to learn more about the winning building.

CTBUH Names One Central Park “Best Tall Building Worldwide” for 2014 - Featured ImageCTBUH Names One Central Park “Best Tall Building Worldwide” for 2014 - Image 1 of 4CTBUH Names One Central Park “Best Tall Building Worldwide” for 2014 - Image 2 of 4CTBUH Names One Central Park “Best Tall Building Worldwide” for 2014 - Image 3 of 4CTBUH Names One Central Park “Best Tall Building Worldwide” for 2014 - More Images+ 14

CCTV Headquarters Named “Best Tall Building Worldwide”

OMA’s CCTV Headquarters in Beijing, ArchDaily’s 2012 “Building of the Year,” was deemed “Best Tall Building Worldwide” by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH). Selected from a shortlist of four deserving skyscrapers, CCTV was awarded “best” due to its “unusual take on skyscraper typology.”

The jury stated: “Instead of competing in the race for ultimate height and style through a traditional two-dimensional tower soaring skyward, CCTV’s loop poses a truly three-dimensional experience, culminating in a 75-meter cantilever."