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  1. ArchDaily
  2. Belorussia

Belorussia: The Latest Architecture and News

Eastern Bloc Architecture: Scientific Superstructures

This article is part of "Eastern Bloc Architecture: 50 Buildings that Defined an Era", a collaborative series by The Calvert Journal and ArchDaily highlighting iconic architecture that had shaped the Eastern world. Every week both publications will be releasing a listing rounding up five Eastern Bloc projects of certain typology. Read on for your weekly dose: Scientific Superstructures.

ArchDaily and Strelka Mag Launch a Publishing Platform for Emerging Architects

ArchDaily and Strelka Mag have launched a jointly curated section that will host projects of emerging architects and offices that promote new design ideas and bring about positive transformations in their cities.

The platform welcomes projects from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

The key criteria for selecting projects will be sustainability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency.