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  2. Beauty Matters

Beauty Matters: The Latest Architecture and News

TAB 2019: Curator Yael Reisner on her Lifelong Fight for Beauty

Opened in the middle of September, Tallinn Architecture Biennale 2019 (TAB 2019) explores its theme "Beauty Matters" through all possible architectural means. Wood and textiles, 3D-printed structures and VR are only a few components of the main exhibition of the biennial, curated by Tel Aviv-born, London-based architect Yael Reisner.

Beauty Matters at the Tallinn Architecture Biennale 2019 as Curators are Announced

Dr. Yael Reisner of Yael Reisner Studio, London, was selected as head curator for the 2019 Tallinn Architecture Biennale titled: “Beauty Matter: The Resurgence of Beauty." The architect’s winning proposal rejuvenates the importance of beauty, reflecting on how after almost 8 years of beauty being a tabooed subject, a cultural shift has changed its perception. The selected assistant curator will be Johanna Jõekalda, who has previously advised on the Estonian architectural scene and its socio-political-cultural features.