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baseball stadium: The Latest Architecture and News

FGP Atelier + Taller ADG Design "Devil Tail" Baseball Stadium in Mexico City

Chicago-based FGP Atelier and Taller ADG have completed the new Diablos Rojos Baseball Stadium in Mexico City. The monumental project was made to be the country's premier baseball stadium. Working with team owner Alfredo Harp Helú, the project's roof takes the form of a devil’s tail to reference the home team’s devilish name.

FGP Atelier + Taller ADG Design "Devil Tail" Baseball Stadium in Mexico City - Image 1 of 4FGP Atelier + Taller ADG Design "Devil Tail" Baseball Stadium in Mexico City - Image 2 of 4FGP Atelier + Taller ADG Design "Devil Tail" Baseball Stadium in Mexico City - Image 3 of 4FGP Atelier + Taller ADG Design "Devil Tail" Baseball Stadium in Mexico City - Image 4 of 4FGP Atelier + Taller ADG Design Devil Tail Baseball Stadium in Mexico City - More Images+ 6