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George Lucas' Development Woes: When NIMBY Goes BANANAs

George Lucas' Development Woes: When NIMBY Goes BANANAs - Featured Image

For 25 years, George Lucas has had a problem. He’s been the Darth Vader of an evil developing empire.

Or so say his wealthy California neighbors. Since 1978, when he set up his corporate headquarters, Skywalker Ranch, on his property in Lucas Valley, Lucas has been attempting to get plans approved for a 300,000 square foot movie studio (which, while massive, would preserve 95% of the acreage and include plans to restore the topography). He’s been blocked by his anti-business, NIMBY neighbors every step of the way.

But far more interesting than Lucas’ defeat, is his plan for revenge.

Read More on how George Lucas is striking back on his NIMBY neighbors, after the break…