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Media Library Les Sources Vives / MU Architecture

Media Library Les Sources Vives / MU Architecture - Exterior Photography, LibraryMedia Library Les Sources Vives / MU Architecture - Exterior Photography, Library, FacadeMedia Library Les Sources Vives / MU Architecture - Interior Photography, Library, Chair, TableMedia Library Les Sources Vives / MU Architecture - Interior Photography, Library, ChairMedia Library Les Sources Vives / MU Architecture - More Images+ 17

  • Architects: MU Architects
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  1250
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2021
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  AERMEC, Arval, Bibliotheca, HakaGerodur AG, IDM, +5

Purcell Wins Competition to Revitalize St Mary Redcliffe

Purcell has been announced as the winner of the St Mary Redcliffe Design Competition, organized by Malcolm Reading. The competition sought a design which successfully reconciled the preservation of the building in its historical form with the necessary expansion to accommodate growing programmatic requirements.

The two-stage competition drew initial submissions from 53 practices, both local and international. Of these, Eric Parry Architects, Carmody Groarke, Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, dRMM and Purcell were invited to submit concept designs, all of which can be viewed here. Purcell's winning design uses two main axes to "stitch" the church into its neighborhood and is described by Malcolm Reading as showing "the deepest understanding of the site and context and the opportunity at St Mary Redcliffe."