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  2. Aurora

Aurora: The Latest Architecture and News

Dunham Pavilion at Aurora RiverEdge Park / Muller&Muller

Dunham Pavilion at Aurora RiverEdge Park / Muller&Muller - Park, Facade, BalconyDunham Pavilion at Aurora RiverEdge Park / Muller&Muller - Park, FacadeDunham Pavilion at Aurora RiverEdge Park / Muller&Muller - Park, Beam, FacadeDunham Pavilion at Aurora RiverEdge Park / Muller&Muller - Park, Facade, Beam, Column, LightingDunham Pavilion at Aurora RiverEdge Park / Muller&Muller - More Images+ 13

  • Architects: Muller&Muller
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  1733
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2013

Courtyard House / NO ARCHITECTURE

Courtyard House / NO ARCHITECTURE - Houses, Kitchen, Door, Table, Chair, BenchCourtyard House / NO ARCHITECTURE - Houses, Patio, Door, Facade, Table, ChairCourtyard House / NO ARCHITECTURE - Houses, Door, Facade, Table, Lighting, Chair, BenchCourtyard House / NO ARCHITECTURE - Houses, Bedroom, Door, Facade, Chair, Table, BedCourtyard House / NO ARCHITECTURE - More Images+ 16

Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes / Anderson Mason Dale Architects

Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes / Anderson Mason Dale Architects - University, FacadeBarbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes / Anderson Mason Dale Architects - University, FacadeBarbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes / Anderson Mason Dale Architects - University, Facade, Beam, Handrail, Table, ChairBarbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes / Anderson Mason Dale Architects - University, Facade, Handrail, Stairs, BeamBarbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes / Anderson Mason Dale Architects - More Images+ 4

Metea Valley High School / DLR Group

Metea Valley High School / DLR Group - Interior Photography, High School, StairsMetea Valley High School / DLR Group - Interior Photography, High School, FacadeMetea Valley High School / DLR Group - High SchoolMetea Valley High School / DLR Group - High SchoolMetea Valley High School / DLR Group - More Images+ 4

  • Architects: DLR Group
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  464200 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2009
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Kalwall®