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Auditorium: The Latest Architecture and News

Kéré Architecture Unveils Design for a Spiritual and Community Center in Notsé, Togo

Kéré Architecture has revealed the design of a masterplan and series of buildings dedicated to the cultural and spiritual heritage of the Ewé people in the town of Notsé, in Togo. Commissioned by the Kothor Foundation, the center incorporates a sanctuary, several temples, a large-scale open-air amphitheater, as well as cultural functions such as exhibition halls, an auditorium, restaurants, and a reconstruction of the ancient royal palace of the Ewé Kingdom. The project, Francis Kéré's first in Togo, started construction in October 2024 and is scheduled for completion in February 2026.

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OMA and WITH Architecture Studio to Revitalize Perth Concert Hall in Australia

The Western Australian Government has announced the upcoming renovation of the Perth Concert Hall, a 51-year-old heritage-listed venue known for its significant role in the city's cultural landscape. Originally designed by architects Jeffrey Howlett and Don Bailey, the concert hall will undergo extensive upgrades led by OMA's Australian office in collaboration with Perth-based WITH Architecture Studio. The project is set to begin in early 2025, aiming to provide a modern home for the West Australian Symphony Orchestra (WASO) and improve visitor facilities through new public spaces, upgraded amenities, and improved seating.

Zaha Hadid Architects Reveals Design for New Scientific Research Centre in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) has been announced as the architect of the Alisher Navoi International Scientific Research Centre, an expansive cultural and educational facility taking shape in New Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The center is set to incorporate the Navoi State Museum of Literature, along with a 400-seat auditorium and an International Research Center and residential school dedicated to training 200 students in the Uzbek language, literature, and music.

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BIG Reveals Updated Design for Vltava Philharmonic Hall in Prague

After winning the international competition for the design of the Vltava Philharmonic Hall in May 2022, Danish studio BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group has now developed the design into a detailed architectural study. The project continues the central concept of the competition, that of connecting the riverbank with the venue’s rooftop via a meandering path that expands the public space and invites visitors to engage with the new building. Construction is expected to start in 2027, after completing the project documentation for the building permit and selecting a contractor. The Philharmonic Hall is expected to open in 2032.

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Unveiling New Images of Snøhetta's Spiraling Shanghai Opera House

Snøhetta has just released construction images showing the progress on the studio’s long-awaited Shanghai Grand Opera House in China. With its iconic fan-shaped roof, the firm has been commissioned the scheme in 2019 following an international design competition. The project is set to be completed in 2025, seeking to attract a broad audience for traditional, classical, and experimental performances.

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MAD Architects Unveils Contextual Design for Anji Culture and Art Center in Southeast China

Led by Ma Yansong, MAD Architects has revealed the design of the Anji Culture and Art Center in the Zhejiang Province in southeast China. The new center, covering a site area of about 149,000 square meters, features six event venues: a Grand Theater, a Conference Center, a Leisure Center, a Sports Center, a Youth Activity Center, and an Art Education Center. All functions are spread out beneath bamboo-leaves-inspired roofs, referencing the Anji area, known as the ‘bamboo and white tea’ town of China. Construction of the center has begun and is expected to be completed and in use by 2025.

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Adjaye Associates and Holst Architecture Reveal the First Images of a New Community-Centered Library in Portland, US

Adjaye Associates, in collaboration with Holst Architecture, the prime architect of record, have unveiled the first renderings for the new East County Library in Portland, Oregon, a new facility that will provide a diverse range of services and programming. The design of the 95,000-square-foot building is informed through extensive community engagement and feedback. Several local organizations aid these efforts by organizing public community events, focus groups, teen outreach, and surveys. As the project is currently in the schematic design phase, the images presented are early drafts, likely to change to reflect the input received.

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Multidisciplinary Team Wins the Competition for the European Library in Milan, Italy

The municipality of Milan has announced the results of the competition to design the new European Library of Information and Culture (BEIC) in Milan, Italy. The winning team is composed of Onsite Studio, baukuh, Yellow Office, SCE Project, Studio Mistretta, Starching, Stain Engineering, Dotdotdot, (ab)Normal, Atmos Lab. The new building, situated in the Porta Vittoria area of Milan, aims to go beyond the traditional functions of a library to become a laboratory for the tools necessary to create contemporary culture.

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How Is the Isoptic Calculated?

When designing an architectural space, it's necessary to think about how to satisfy the needs of each user, looking to achieve an adequate level of comfort and a pleasant experience. Auditoriums, cinemas, and theatres are spaces that involve large masses of people, so special attention must be paid to factors like isoptics, acoustics or accessibility so that when witnessing an event, everyone is able to receive the same information.

How to Design Theater Seating, Shown Through 21 Detailed Example Layouts

Audience sightlines, accessibility and acoustics all make theater seating a hugely precise art. As part of their set of online resources for architects and designers, the team at Theatre Solutions Inc (TSI) have put together a catalog of 21 examples of theater seating layouts. Each layout is well detailed, with information on the number of seats, the floor seating area and row spacing. These layouts fall under three general forms; to supplement this information, alongside TSI's diagrams we've included the pros and cons of each type, as well as examples of projects which use each format. Read on for more.

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Snøhetta's Shanghai Grand Opera House Evokes the Image of an Unfolding Fan

Snøhetta's Shanghai Grand Opera House Evokes the Image of an Unfolding Fan - Image 5 of 4
© MIR and Snøhetta

Snøhetta has been commissioned for the design of the Shanghai Grand Opera House in Shanghai, China, following an international design competition. Aiming to attract a broad audience for traditional, classical, and experimental performances, Snøhetta has developed the architectural, landscape, interior, and graphic design for the sweeping complex in collaboration with Shanghai-based architects ECADI.

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Zaha Hadid Architects Reinterprets Sound Waves for the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic Concert Hall

Zaha Hadid Architects Reinterprets Sound Waves for the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic Concert Hall  - Facade, Cityscape
Courtesy of Zaha Hadid Architects

Zaha Hadid Architects has won an international competition for the design of the new Sverdlovsk Philharmonic Concert Hall in Yekaterinburg, Russia. A melting pot of Eastern and Western cultures, talents, and industries, the strategic Ural city hosts a Philharmonic Orchestra which has performed in more than 20 countries, while based in the existing 1936 Sverdlovsk Philharmonic building.

For the design of the Ural Philharmonic Orchestra’s new home, Zaha Hadid Architects “echoed the physical aspects of sound waves” to create an inspirational venue meeting the orchestra’s growing program, and to create a new public plaza for all citizens.

Zaha Hadid Architects Reinterprets Sound Waves for the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic Concert Hall  - ArchZaha Hadid Architects Reinterprets Sound Waves for the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic Concert Hall  - Garden, FacadeZaha Hadid Architects Reinterprets Sound Waves for the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic Concert Hall  - CityscapeZaha Hadid Architects Reinterprets Sound Waves for the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic Concert Hall  - LightingZaha Hadid Architects Reinterprets Sound Waves for the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic Concert Hall  - More Images+ 6

Renovation of Auditorium in North Campus, Central Academy of Fine Arts / Yu Yang · CAFA

Renovation of Auditorium in North Campus, Central Academy of Fine Arts / Yu Yang · CAFA - Renovation, Garden, Door, FacadeRenovation of Auditorium in North Campus, Central Academy of Fine Arts / Yu Yang · CAFA - Renovation, Facade, ChairRenovation of Auditorium in North Campus, Central Academy of Fine Arts / Yu Yang · CAFA - Renovation, Facade, HandrailRenovation of Auditorium in North Campus, Central Academy of Fine Arts / Yu Yang · CAFA - Renovation, Stairs, Handrail, ColumnRenovation of Auditorium in North Campus, Central Academy of Fine Arts / Yu Yang · CAFA - More Images+ 17

  • Architects: Yu Yang · CAFA
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  1000
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2018
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Champion, Haro

MAD's Yabuli Conference Centre Celebrates the Rugged, Snow-Capped Terrain of Northeastern China

The groundbreaking ceremony has occurred for MAD Architects’ China Entrepreneur Forum Conference Centre, settled in the mountains of Yabuli in Northeastern China. A snow-capped mountainous landscape known for its rugged terrain and freezing temperatures, Yabuli is home to the annual summit of the China Entrepreneur Forum (CEF) considered to be the “Davos of Asia.”

MAD’s scheme, also referred to as the “Yabuli Conference Centre” seeks to embody and showcase the “ambitions, ideologies, and forward critical thinking of CEF members” through a tent-like structure defined by soft, sloping lines.

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Red Brick Country Auditorium / Huazhong University of Science and Technology + ADAP Architects China

Red Brick Country Auditorium / Huazhong University of Science and Technology + ADAP Architects China - AuditoriumRed Brick Country Auditorium / Huazhong University of Science and Technology + ADAP Architects China - AuditoriumRed Brick Country Auditorium / Huazhong University of Science and Technology + ADAP Architects China - AuditoriumRed Brick Country Auditorium / Huazhong University of Science and Technology + ADAP Architects China - AuditoriumRed Brick Country Auditorium / Huazhong University of Science and Technology + ADAP Architects China - More Images+ 19

Ezhou, China

New Pastoralism Lecture Hall / SYN Architects China

New Pastoralism Lecture Hall / SYN Architects China - AuditoriumNew Pastoralism Lecture Hall / SYN Architects China - AuditoriumNew Pastoralism Lecture Hall / SYN Architects China - AuditoriumNew Pastoralism Lecture Hall / SYN Architects China - AuditoriumNew Pastoralism Lecture Hall / SYN Architects China - More Images+ 25