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atrio: The Latest Architecture and News

15 Impressive Atriums (And Their Sections)

15 Impressive Atriums (And Their Sections) - Image 1 of 415 Impressive Atriums (And Their Sections) - Image 2 of 415 Impressive Atriums (And Their Sections) - Image 3 of 415 Impressive Atriums (And Their Sections) - Image 4 of 415 Impressive Atriums (And Their Sections) - More Images+ 26

Offices and cultural buildings both offer the perfect opportunity to design the atrium of your dreams. These central spaces, designed to allow serendipitous meetings of users or to help with orientation in the building, are spacious and offer a lot of design freedom. Imposing scales, sculptural stairs, eccentric materials, and indoor vegetation are just some of the resources used to give life to these spaces. To help you with your design ideas, below we have gathered a selection of 15 notable atriums and their section drawings.