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arquitectura vegetal: The Latest Architecture and News

Palm and Straw Roofs: Examples in Mexico That Explore Their Possibilities

Palm and Straw Roofs: Examples in Mexico That Explore Their Possibilities - Image 1 of 4Palm and Straw Roofs: Examples in Mexico That Explore Their Possibilities - Image 2 of 4Palm and Straw Roofs: Examples in Mexico That Explore Their Possibilities - Image 3 of 4Palm and Straw Roofs: Examples in Mexico That Explore Their Possibilities - Image 4 of 4Palm and Straw Roofs: Examples in Mexico That Explore Their Possibilities - More Images+ 33

Architecture in Mexico has a vast history that is made up of various aspects that touch astrological, political, spiritual and economic issues. Although today there are only ruins of some of the most important pre-Hispanic complexes, thanks to the in-depth research that has been carried out, we can have some representations of what those buildings that laid the foundations of what makes us today were like. In these representations, it is possible to notice the presence of natural materials that were a response to their environment such as basalt stone, stucco and some vegetable paintings whose remains persist to this day.