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  2. ArchDaily 6

ArchDaily 6: The Latest Architecture and News

The 20 Most Visited ArchDaily Projects of All Time

To celebrate our birthday today, we decided to take a look back at the most popular projects of the last six years. Who takes the top spot? Zaha Hadid? Frank Gehry? Well, you may be surprised...

See our 20 most popular projects of all time, after the break...

Happy Birthday to Us: ArchDaily Turns 6!

Dear readers,

Infographic: ArchDaily, The Past 6 Years

Six years ago, we had a crazy idea: let's create a platform to give architects exposure, no matter where they come from or how famous they may be. Let's put them side by side with architectural greats. Let's make that platform absolutely free and accessible to whomever wants to be inspired by it. Let's give architects the inspiration, knowledge, and tools they need to make our rapidly urbanizing world a better place.

In six short years, we went from an idea to the most visited architecture web site in the world, with over 300,000 daily readers, a staff of over 50 people working in 9 different countries, and three local versions: ArchDaily Brasil, ArchDaily México and Plataforma Arquitectura (and a fourth coming soon!). This is our story.