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Arata Mori: The Latest Architecture and News

Architectural Film by Laurian Ghinitoiu and Arata Mori Explores OMA's Recently Inaugurated MEETT

In their newly released architectural film, photographer Laurian Ghinitoiu and filmmaker Arata Mori take viewers on a visually compelling tour of OMA’s MEETT Exhibition and Convention Centre, Toulouse’s new mega-scale parc des expositions. Exploring the design’s multiple facets, from the monumental to the mundane, the film constructs a detailed vision of the project sitting at the intersection of architecture, infrastructure, masterplan and public space.

Architectural Film by Laurian Ghinitoiu and Arata Mori Explores OMA's Recently Inaugurated MEETT - Films & ArchitectureArchitectural Film by Laurian Ghinitoiu and Arata Mori Explores OMA's Recently Inaugurated MEETT - Films & ArchitectureArchitectural Film by Laurian Ghinitoiu and Arata Mori Explores OMA's Recently Inaugurated MEETT - Films & ArchitectureArchitectural Film by Laurian Ghinitoiu and Arata Mori Explores OMA's Recently Inaugurated MEETT - Films & ArchitectureArchitectural Film by Laurian Ghinitoiu and Arata Mori Explores OMA's Recently Inaugurated MEETT - More Images

Burning Man's ORB Through the Animated Lens of Another :

One of the main attractions of 2018’s Burning Man Festival was the ORB, designed by Bjarke Ingels, Iacob Lange & Laurent de Carniere. The inflated spherical mirror was created as a conceptual representation of Earth and human expression, leaving no trace after its deflation. The project consumed 30 tons of steel, 1,000 welding and sewing hours, and $300,000 of personal funds to make the ORB come to life.

As part of their mini-film series, creative duo another : have collaborated with music composer Yu Miyashita and released a short video that explores the process of creating the ORB in an otherworldly way.

SO-IL and BCJ’s Davis Museum of Art through the Animated Lens of Another :

The Jan Shrem and Maria Manetti Shrem Museum of Art by SO-IL and Bohlin Cywinski Jackson is the first contemporary arts museum for the University of California and the city of Davis. The museum’s signature element is the grand canopy that stretches over the surrounding site and building.

Creative duo another : have collaborated with music composer Yu Miyashita and released a short film that explores the geometric composition of the museum's structure in an exceptional way.