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Antoine Chaaya: The Latest Architecture and News

The Center for Arts and Innovation Selects Renzo Piano to Design Boca Raton's Creative Campus

The Center for Arts and Innovation has just selected Pritzker Prize-winning architect Renzo Piano to design its new creative campus. The campus is situated in the heart of downtown Boca Raton in Florida and aims to become a global hub for creative excellence. Ultimately, The Center is on a mission to transform Boca Raton into an internationally recognized destination for culture, arts, innovation, and technology.

The Center for Arts and Innovation Selects Renzo Piano to Design Boca Raton's Creative Campus - Image 1 of 4The Center for Arts and Innovation Selects Renzo Piano to Design Boca Raton's Creative Campus - Image 2 of 4The Center for Arts and Innovation Selects Renzo Piano to Design Boca Raton's Creative Campus - Image 3 of 4The Center for Arts and Innovation Selects Renzo Piano to Design Boca Raton's Creative Campus - Image 4 of 4The Center for Arts and Innovation Selects Renzo Piano to Design Boca Raton's Creative Campus - More Images+ 1

RPBW on the Roles of Architects and What Makes their Office Unique

Past, Present, Future is an interview project by Itinerant Office, asking acclaimed architects to share their perspectives on the constantly evolving world of architecture. Each interview is split into three video segments: Past, Present, and Future, in which interviewees discuss their thoughts and experiences of architecture through each of those lenses. The first episode of the project featured 11 architects from Italy and the Netherlands and Episode II is comprised of interviews with 13 architects from Spain, Portugal, France, and Belgium.

The goal of the series is to research these successful firms and attempt to understand their methods and approaches. By hopefully gaining a clearer picture of what it means to be an architect in the 21st century, the videos can also serve as inspiration for the next generation of up-and-coming architects and students as they enter the field.